Friday 5 April 2024

Easter Exchange

We were both a little late posting our cross stitch parcels - K's parcel arrived on Thursday morning, and I immediately WhatsApped Kirsten to say I'd got it safely. Hers arrived an hour or so later. These were the last sections of ur Aida rectangle to be stitched, and discussions are ongoing about Finishing Off. I as thrilled with the little Easter Garden K had produced - using Star Eyelet stitch in various sizes, and Sarah Homfray variegated threads. Lots of flowers and surrounded by green grass. One part of the variegated green was very pale, so K cut that out, and used it to edge the section neatly. You don't notice it immediately, but it gives a beautiful definition to the shape.
My 'flat gifts' from Kirsten were two packets of seeds. A herb [hyssop - much mentioned in the Bible] and a flower [antirrhinums aka snapdragons] Also included were three skeins of thread for stitching our borders.
My Easter Piece was also an attempt to cover the fabric with stitches. I love playing Scrabble, and doing crosswords so I decided to make up a word grid using as many Easter words as I could to fill the section.
I began by planning a grid with pencil and paper. I made a word list. I started with Hallelujah, then tried to put Jesus down from the J, but couldn't get that to work - eventually this was the chart I came up with. Just three colours of thread. J,E,A and S on the top line encroach into the border space, but I think I've got away with it!
Now to outline every section with 2 strands of green, in backstitch,. "Soporific TV Stitching" was K's description.
Will we get it done by the end of the month? and how will we finally complete the outer border? [no, we don't yet have the answer to that question either!]


  1. I've enjoyed following the clever designs you've both worked out over the year.

    1. Thank you. It has certainly stretched both of us, and improved our stitching skills

  2. Your and Kirsten's embroidery is wonderful! The garden is lovely, and the cross words very clever. I look forward to pictures of the completed artwork.

    1. It will take us a while to complete the borders and finish , I think

  3. Very imaginative designs! Lovely stitching, too!

  4. Both panels are so different but so meaningful. Enjoy doing the borders-I find when I am putting the binding on a quilt that I really enjoy the feeling of completion and slow stitching. Catriona

    1. There will be two huge sighs of relief when the panels are finally complete

  5. Lovely designs, both of them. Are you both going to do another project?

    1. Thankyou. Yes we are ..still at planning stage

  6. You are both so talented, I love the crossword, very cleverly and neatly done.

    1. Thank you. At least I didn't have to stitch all the clues!!

    2. That's funny, Angela! JanF

  7. So clever, it's not easy designing a crossword.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I was rather constrained by the available space - but I knew that Hallelujah, Jesus , Love and Alive Forever had to be in there somewhere!!

  8. These are exquisite and I look forward to seeing the end result. You have challenged yourself here. JanF

    1. We will post pictures when it's completed

  9. Both pieces are brilliantly cretive and just wonderful! Isn't being cretive fun?!


  10. Very creative! Love that scrabble/crossword piece.

  11. What a wonderful, inspiring scrabble creation! I also love Kirsten's Easter flower garden, you can sense the joy of Easter there, too!

  12. Thank you Bushlady - this one has only just appeared!


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