Saturday 16 February 2013

Building Healthy Community

So this is the proposal – a fairly large housing development just up the road from our village


The official website says

New Lubbesthorpe will deliver a complete community to the west of Leicester providing new facilities for current as well as new residents. The site lies to the west of the M1, east of Beggar’s Lane, south of Leicester Forest East and north and south of the M69.

The proposal is being promoted by an experienced, local consortium with reputations for high quality developments including local developers, Davidsons, Barratt David Wilson and Hallam Land Management.

Scheme Key Elements

  • 4,250 high quality new homes
  • A strategic employment park, which with the district centre employment, can create approximately 2,500 jobs
  • 75 acres of new woodland and 250 acres of open space and park land
  • Two primary and one secondary school
  • Mixed-use neighbourhood centre with space for a range of food and drink, retail, a health centre, leisure and community uses (including a nursery & community centre)”

As you might have expected, there has been significant opposition to the project. BUT and I think this is a significant point, IF [let’s be realistic, and say ‘when’] the development goes ahead, who is going to ensure there is adequate community provision?  Nice new buildings are all well and good – but will there be real care for the people who move into the properties. “Community” doesn’t just ‘happen’. As Christians, surely we are called upon to love our neighbours…


Which is why we are hosting a symposium at our church today entitled “Building Healthy Community” – to see how those of us already relatively local to the project can be involved, to make this new community a happy, healthy place to be.

We have got a variety of speakers lined up, and are serving lunch [guaranteed no horsemeat] and lots of excellent Fairtrade Coffee.

Praying this day will prove truly profitable…


  1. I once lived in one of these 'communities' about 7 years after it had been completed, all sorts of promises had been made including Dr's, swimming pool, secondary school & shops. Nothing ever materialised apart from a takeaway & an off license, it's still the same now 10 years later. I wish you every sucess

  2. The new residents will be fortunate to have your present community welcome them.
    Jane x

  3. Quite right. Just building houses does not men that a community magically happens. It will take a lot of planning from churches and groups to draw this huge 'village' together.

  4. I'll be interested to hear what people think. I live in an over-grown village near Worcester - but it still has a nice sense of community and clear 'sense of self'. Down the road there's massive housing estate (built over a 10 year period up to the mid 90s). It calls itself 'Villages' but that's a complete laugh!!!! Jx

  5. Noticed this on Bob's facebook last month and it interests me immensely. University here plans to be relocating to the city, and have plans for urban village on the site. I think it's a golden opportunity for local churches to be involved from the outset.

  6. We had a superb day- very profitable. Will say more later. Thanks for all the positive comments!!

  7. Having just read 'Broken Harbour' all sorts of nightmare scenarios are springing to mind!

    Think that any community should have at least 1 church at the heart of it.


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