Saturday, 31 December 2022
Reflections on 2022
Friday, 30 December 2022
Come Back, Lady Bracknell!
Neither of us had heard of this food storage item. But the clear implication was that this is the ideal way to preserve your Christmas ham. And it said you can buy one in Woolworths. We don't have Woolworths in the UK any more
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Four Million?!? End Of Year Giveaway
Wednesday, 28 December 2022
A Range Of Meanings
However I did have a quick look at the Christmas decorations in the sale section. Just in case. But one item initially left me baffled - a bag of six "Christmas Sentiments" reduced to 45p

Tuesday, 27 December 2022
Paint Your Wagon
Monday, 26 December 2022
We're Not Crackers!
I decided against crackers - bought ones were either cheap, tacky and full of plastic, or they were eco friendly, stylish and pricey. Then as I was returning the library books on Friday I found an interesting book by the checkout point [I had to go into town - the mobile van has broken down, so Book-Mark didn't come on Thursday after all]
Zero Waste Christmas is full of lovely ideas,grouped in four themes- Skandi, Hot, Frosty and Retro, and is published by David&Charles, a reliable source of craft books. Rosie and I spent an hour or so on Friday afternoon making piñatica as an alternative to crackers.
Rosie knew about piñata - the popular Mexican hanging decoration, usually filled with sweets, which is hit with a stick till it breaks, spilling the contents. Piñatica are much smaller. Based on an octahedron, and made of recycled card,trimmed with tissue paper. I drew out the template* with pencil, ruler and compasses. Here's what we made for the six of us to have at Christmas Lunch.Ours are covered with random tissue shapes, not neat strips of fringing. She's only 6, and time was of the essence.We inserted two chocolate coins and a joke into each little box before sealing it up, and tying on a label. Rosie provided the jokes, which I typed onto the computer and we cut into strips and concertina-ed into tiny squares.
You can easily open the piñatica by squashing it flat, or by ripping apart one of the seams.
Here are Rosie's jokes
What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck?
It looks like rain, dear
Santa Paws
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Joy To The World!
Saturday, 24 December 2022
A World Of Pure Imagination
Steph said to George “Look- baby is an elf!”
To which he replied “No, he's a pirate, on a boat."
Turning to his brother, he then demanded
Friday, 23 December 2022
Deck The Halls

The fresh poinsettia, from a neighbour, looks glorious in the silver urn. The tree is dripping with ornaments. My jug of baubles is stylish on the dining table- and the Willow Tree plaque is so special.
The padded placemats come out for another year. The smaller cake has fewer decorations. Pauline's Angel guards the baby, and golden words of greeting are at the front. The candle at the back celebrates Jesus' birthday. The luxurious ribbon adds a sparkling finish.
Thursday, 22 December 2022
A Poem For The King
"Many [refugees] are desperate people fleeing unspeakable
horrors. Many are Iranians, Eritreans and Sudanese citizens, who have an asylum
grant rate of at least 88 per cent. These are people Jesus had in mind as he
said when we offer hospitality to a stranger, we do it for him. They are the
vulnerable that the Old Testament calls us to value. We cannot offer asylum to
everyone, but we must not outsource our ethical responsibilities, or discard
international law — which protects the right to claim asylum.
We must end the evil trafficking; many churches are involved
in fighting this evil. This needs global co-operation across every level of
society. To reduce dangerous journeys to the UK we need safe routes: the church
will continue to advocate for them. But deportations — and the potential forced
return of asylum seekers to their home countries — are not the way. This
immoral policy shames Britain."
Sadly the Government seems to take no notice. I actually heard a Tory MP being interviewed on Radio 4 this week, who complained "There are too many people preaching from pulpits at the moment" [excuse me, what else do you do with a pulpit? use it to store chutney, keep back copies of Gardeners' World, recycle it into a coffee table...] The Rwanda plan is appalling
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
War, Peace, Pudding
When it's really cold, a hot pudding is a good idea. I found a recipe for "War and Peace Pudding" on Carolyn's blog, The1940s experiment
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Slaves To Fashion
This exhibition by the Singh Twins explores hidden narratives of Empire, Colonialism, conflict, slavery and luxury lifestyle through the lens of India's historical textile trade and their relevance to modern day legacies and debates around ethical consumerism, racism and the politics of trade.
[But please note that The Singh Twins: Slaves of Fashion contains imagery and language which reflects historic colonial attitudes. Due to the nature of the exhibition, there is some historic racist, xenophobic and otherwise offensive content, as well as contemporary depictions of torture and violence.]
It is mindblowing, in the brilliant use of art and technology, challenging and thought provoking as it shows how the Indian textile trade has, for centuries, been affected by colonialism and consumerism. And we are told not only of historical injustices, but more contemporary issues, where the livelihoods of ordinary people are affected by the greed, and demand for fast fashion across the world.
The sisters produced huge paintings, with 'fabric' themes - cotton, calico, muslin, chintz. indigo etc These artworks have incredible detail- historic characters, social problems, the demands of the fashion industry, the greed of the rich...
The colour, and the situations portrayed took my breath away. I took some photos, and talked at length with the knowledgeable Museum staff. We so easily take fabric for granted - and I say that as someone who loves the textures, and colours, and styles. Here are just some of my pictures. Do look at the brief video at the end of this post - and if you have the opportunity to see this exhibition I would recommend it.

Monday, 19 December 2022
Put A Lid On It!
- better nutrition, better quality food
- better sustainability in production [and packaging]
- better deals for the producers [FairTrade etc]
- better value for the customer
*He lives in Norfolk. I know people who have seen him shopping in Swaffham Waitrose and Dereham Tesco - but I've never spotted him in the big Norwich Sainsbury's store. Perhaps he shops with Sainsbury's Online, and the other two outings were just 'top-ups'.
Sunday, 18 December 2022
Advent 4
As it was my turn recently to lead the prayers of intercession at Church, I looked again at the Christmas story, and realised the characters there 2000 years ago can inform our praying today...
Mary and Joseph found no room at the inn – Lord we pray for
all who are homeless, and will have nowhere safe to sleep tonight, many
sheltering in shop doorways in this bitter cold weather. Bless Crisis, and
other agencies working to help them. We remember especially this morning those
made homeless by the explosion on Jersey yesterday – praying for the injured,
and bereaved, and the emergencies services still dealing with the aftermath of
that tragedy.
The shepherds out in the field were the least and lowest in
society – we pray for all those who are marginalised, neglected or abused. For
all those who feel alone and excluded, whether because of race, ability,
education, or sexuality- Father help them to know that you love them, and may
they hear the message of the Good News this Christmas, and know they have a
place in your Kingdom
The wise men had power, financially and intellectually – we
pray for our Government, and those in authority. Father grant them wisdom,
grace and a desire for justice. Especially at this time of industrial action
help them to find fair solutions and an equitable distribution of wealth in our
King Herod was afraid that Jesus would usurp his power, and was eager to destroy him. We thank you for the faith of our late Queen and her acknowledgement of you as King of Kings. We pray for King Charles in his new role as our Monarch, that he too will live a life of faith and service.
Herod’s cruelty meant that the holy family had to flee to
Egypt for safety, refugees from his persecution. We ask that you will be with
all those seeking a safe place to live and raise their families. We pray that
our government will implement a more caring policy to those in desperate need
of sanctuary.
And finally we think of the babe in the manger. Lord bless
all babies and children at this time. Of such is your Kingdom of Heaven. We
pray for those little ones in our own families, we thank you for all the
children who came into the chapel for parties and school Nativity plays last week
– and we ask that you will help us to teach them your truths, that they may
grow to know you as Saviour and Lord. And we pray for those bereaved families
in Solihull, our hearts ache for them in this awful tragedy. Jesus, comfort all who mourn
Saturday, 17 December 2022
Seeing Red [Or Is It Pink?]

Friday, 16 December 2022
Warm Words, Top Tips
Thursday, 15 December 2022
Marvellous Meerkats
In the loft I have lots of Sylvanian Family stuff - a Romany caravan, stables, bakery, and a doll's house [non SF] and dozens of bits of furniture and accessories. And loads of animals- horses, elephants, cats, bears, etc. So I really don't need any more - there's plenty for Rosie to play with, and in time, maybe, Jess and the Manchester Boys. So I really should not have succumbed to the little box in a CS in Wymondham the other day.
They had three or four of these, new and unopened, for £3.50 each. So I bought one. When I got home, I checked the price, and discovered these were a limited edition, and quite valuable.- it benefits the charity [esp if the donor uses Gift-Aid]
- it benefits the buyer [cheaper than 'new']
- it benefits the donor [positive decluttering]
- it benefits the community [fewer empty shops in High St]
- it benefits the planet [recycling not landfill]