Friday, 31 January 2025
They Are Absolute Pants!
Thursday, 30 January 2025
A Cascade Of Chores
- My jeans 👖 are grubby, what shall I wear instead? My chinos
- Where are my chinos? Chinos eventually located in ironing basket
- Why didn't I iron them? Inspect carefully, recall the button came off last year, they were washed ♒ but not repaired
- Where did I put that button? Can't find it, locate another one
- Where's my sewing stuff? 🧵 Buried under clutter somewhere
- What's the time? I haven't got time to do this now⌚
- What can I wear instead? Stuff chinos back in basket
- Can I get away with these grubby jeans? Yes, probably
- This list to be repeated in April ...🔄
- We did the shopping - but I never emptied the box of eggs into the rack 🥚
- Then Bob had boiled eggs for breakfast 🥄and I remembered the box in the Futility Room
- Brought the box into the kitchen.
- Marked the older eggs ✏ which need to be used first
- Then realised the rack was grubby, gave it a good clean
- Reloaded egg rack 🥚🥚🥚
- Ripped up cardboard egg box for my compost bin
- Changed out of slippers 🥿into garden clogs so I could cross wet grass to bin
- Back in again, changed shoes, got on with my day
so it must accumulate dust and grease. I need to be more diligent.
It is sparkling clean now.
My egg icons this week are these!
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Kung Hei Fat Choy
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Happy Families
The Grandchildren are growing up fast. Steph and Liz work hard to give them good experiences, and get them out and about, so they can appreciate all the opportunities afforded them living in two great cities. And at home, they play games, do baking together, and much, much more. Weekends are full of fun. And we grandparents really appreciate seeing pictures of their activities and hearing from the children about what they have been doing. They have all had a busy January...
And what have I been doing? Cleaning up the high chair and travel cot. The children can sit properly on dining chairs at mealtimes, and they all sleep in beds now, so we won't need these anymore. Tomorrow these two items will be going to the Dereham [Ukraine] Aid Centre. I understand that they are dropping 'Ukraine' fromn their name now, as they provide aid to anyone in the community who needs it.
Monday, 27 January 2025
Cold And Wet
I need to get back into a better reading pattern. So I have challenged myself to review two books a month on the blog. I read three in January [first review here] and the third needs a proper review carefully written.
I like crime, I am quite keen on medical dramas, it was set at the winter solstice, and when I saw the author's name and read the blurb [here] I thought it would suit.

- It is set on a remote Scottish Island [and I love 'Shetland']
- The male lead, Calder, falls into the icy seas and 'drowns' but in fact they revive him from his extreme hypothermia [As with Meredith Grey, Greys's Anatomy, Season 3 Ep 16 when she falls into the water off Seattle. I love GA]
- In my haste I mistook Liz Webb for Liz Carr, who for 8 years played the skilled forensic pathologist in Silent Witness [I love SW]
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Speaking Truth To Power

Saturday, 25 January 2025
Hung, Drawn And Sorted
Friday, 24 January 2025
Measure Twice, Cut Once
I learned that phrase from my grandparents - Grandad's carpentry and Nan's dressmaking relied on accuracy when cutting materials. And if you cut something a bit short, then it is really hard to correct it, and you may end up having to buy another length of wood or fabric.
Yesterday morning we took both cars to the garage [mine for MOT, his for service] and got the bus back home. Then I spread the dismantled curtains and the interlining out on the dining table. I was very conscious of the cost of the original curtains, and the cost of the interlining - and the need to take my time and do it properly. Ann in Scotland had wisely cautioned me against shortcuts, and the risk or errors - and of staring sat the curtains every night thinking 'I wish I'd...'
Then I walked to the garage and collected Bob's car. I was quite tired by this point, and decided it was not sensible to attempt any more sewing.
I pushed everything up to one end of the Dining Table so we could sit in comfort for our meal [beautifully prepared by Bob]
The work will be completed today - it is not as if I can go anywhere - my car is still at the garage, waiting for the brakes to be fitted. And this afternoon I am having my cooker proferssionally cleaned. This is the first time ever I have paid someone else to clean it, but something spilled on the floor of the main oven, and I cannot shift it.
On the picture you can see my orange-handled Fiskars scissors, and beside them a black and grey object - my sharpener. This gadget is brilliant, and ensures you can start your project with razor sharp blades every time [details here] I love Fiskars products [I have their garden secateurs now as well!] and would award the sharpener a 5* recommendation. These are nearly 13 years old and as efficient now as they were on Day 1
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Tuesday night's theatre trip was [mostly] brilliant. We enjoyed our meal at Côte Brasserie, opting [as usual] for the Prix Fixe and a bottle of mineral water. Then we decided to walk round to the Theatre and have pre-performance coffee there.
This is the Norwich Playhouse, which has two sister venues - Theatre Royal and Stage Two. It is the middle sized site, seating 300 people,
and a popular venue for fringe events and touring companies. Unfortunately, by 6.45pm
they have, inexplicably turned off their coffee machine. Our tea[r]s are
not yet brewed!
The seats are low and relatively small - I was glad I'd booked two end seats so Bob at least had space in the aisle for his legs. My legs felt cramped after a while, and that is unusual! Of course, the people in seats 3-10 didn't arrive till just before the starts, and all wanted the bar in the interval. There was much standing up and sitting down again! “Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once”
However, we could see the stage well from Row K. Rows A-F nearer the stage would have felt too close, I thinbk/ They were occupied by school parties - all extremely well behaved, I must say.
The performance by the National Production Company was very good, with a few caveats.
- Lady Macbeth was excellent, delivering her lines well
- The Weird Sisters were superb, and spoke in sequence and in unison equally well, chanting and dancing beautifully. Great costumes too
- Macbeth was good, but his voice wasn't quite 'big' enough for some of the speeches.
- The sword fighting was incredibly well done, and the Kensington Gore which flowed freely when necessary.
- The Porter was wonderfully funny, spot on comedic timing, and interaction with Rows A-F, saying "'equivocate' thats a good word, remember to use it on your exam papers"
- Lighting fairly good, but one spot, stage right, was far too bright, and actors were blinking and clearly bothered by it. Bob is a lighting geek [in his youth he did a lot of stage lighting and is rather fussy about these things]
- Theatre staff get top marks for friendliness, efficiency and helpfulness.
- I think a **** review of the evening [better seating and coffee would have made it 5*]
Waitress - What are you going to?Bob - MacbethWaiter - Is that a comedy?Bob - well, I suppose you COULD play it like that...
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Time And The Hour...
Monday, 20 January 2025
Feeling Shelfish

Sunday, 19 January 2025
I Can
They chose this day because on Jan 19th 1825 - 200 years ago, Thomas Kensett and Ezra Daggett filed the first patent in the USA to make tin cans for food preservation. In the UK, Peter Durand had filed a patent some fifteen years before, and in 1812, the brilliant inventor Bryan Donkin set up a canning factory in Bermondsey - but somehow we do not celebrate them here in the UK. Perhaps we should.
Today I am thinking of can as a noun, rather as a verb. To be able to do something- from the Old English cunnan ‘to know’ (in Middle English ‘know how to’) Bob and Rosie both have famous namesakes who use can as their catchphrase - the Builder and the Riveter.
It is so easy to feel daunted, or defeated, when there is a difficult task ahead of us.
When I am struggling to deal with something I which feel is beyond my abilities, I don't turn to these two fictional characters but rather to the Bible. In Philippians the apostle Paul says "I can do all this through Jesus, who gives me strength" and the book of Joshua where we read "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
It's good to remember that we do not have to do it all on our own.
Saturday, 18 January 2025
International Cuisine
Friday, 17 January 2025
Drawing To A Close
History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created