Tuesday, 25 February 2025

A Month Of Sundaes?

Firstly, thank you everyone for the kind birthday wishes for Rosie yesterday, she is definitely making the most of her celebrations. On Saturday we went on a family tenpin bowling trip, followed by lunch. If you have younger children, I can recommend the Bowling House in Norwich. This is the quirkiest bowling alley I have ever visited. A while back, we looked after the girls one evening, while Liz and Jon visited this venue [For cocktails and food, which they enjoyed] There are just five lanes, at BH and all half-length, so it suited the girls. The pop-up seating is recycled from years ago when this building was a cinema. I took three shots of Rosie bowling, and inadvertently got pictures of Jess as the seat folded up on her!

We went on to a Pizza lunch [I pleased to have discovered that I can eat pizza with vegan cheese]  and the girls enjoyed desserts. Jess was intrigued by the inverted waffle cone in her ice cream sundae.

I have four glass sundae dishes at Cornerstones, They were given to me about 35 years ago- my friend was having a new kitchen and decided to clear her clutter. "You can only have them if you promise to use them" she said. I promised!
I still use them on a regular basis. 
Even the most boring pud is greatly improved by fancy serving, I frequently put a scoop of plain vanilla in the dish, topped with some fruit, and home made yogurt and a 'boudoir biscuit' [I think in the US they are called ladyfingers] Occasionally there is fruit sauce or chocolate sauce too, or some crumbled cake. The girls think this is a real treat, especially when I give them the longhandled teaspoons. 
In my current, ruthless kitchen declutter, I can assure you that my sundae dishes are staying! I must lay in a box of waffle cones before the Easter holidays though.
Rosie said Saturday's treat was her 'quarter final' birthday. Monday [the day itself] was to be the 'semi final' and the 'final' will be her party on Saturday - a Clip'n'Climb event with schoolfriends 


  1. What lovely celebrations Rosie is having! The bowling Lane sounds fun! The sundae glasses do make things look fancy! I have my birthday this week and I'm getting my mum, sister, hubby and niece over on Friday and then my Dad, Stepmum and sis on Saturday. Dreading the cleaning/clearing I need to do but will be nice to have them as something to look forward to. Xx

    1. Do not overdoing, family are coming to see YOU not your dust. Make sure they have somewhere to sit, and an appropriate drink and then enjoy the company

    2. I have a friend with MS and she says “If you want to see me - drop in anytime. If you want to see the house - make an appointment.”

  2. Jess looks none the worse for having survived the seat!

  3. Your sundae reminds me of the good old 'Knickerbocker Glory' we sometimes had as children. Wonder why it was called that?

    1. Aha! We know the answer, because Rosie asked the same question so we looked it up. There was.a Knickerbocker Hotel in Manhattan in the 1900s famed for it's desserts. When it closed, a hundred years ago, they named the KG sundae in its honour (should that be "honor" as it's USA?)

    2. Interesting that I’ve never met anyone over here who’s heard of a knickerbocker glory. It was only when I lived in England that I encountered the name. All the recipe sites call it a British dessert.

    3. That's intriguing, Lynda 🍨

  4. What fun, even the fold up seat was an adventure. I enjoy serving dessert or treats in something special for our grands. It elevates the normal.

    1. "Elevates the normal" what a superb phrase. Thanks Anon

  5. As it happens, Nick had a "caramel liegeois" for dessert in a restaurant (in France) today, very similar to a knickerbocker glory - a word that always made me and my friends chuckle as kids as it sounded a bit rude!

  6. Lovely to see the girls enjoying their treats. I have a set of glass dishes, cylindrical with stems, that take up space in the cupboard but that I always use to serve trifle. I should think about designing other dessert combinations to serve in them as you do.

  7. I love the photos of Jess being folded up in the chair and everyone had a fabulous time. Iris is having 3 friends round for a pancake breakfast, minecraft games, then Just Ice (local ice cream parlour), back to pizzas and making bracelets. We are going for cake the next day. Xx

    1. I hope Iris and friends have a wonderful time

  8. Tried to comment earlier but it wouldn’t post! Love the photo of Jess! Catriona

  9. So glad to hear that Rosie is spreading out her birthday celebrations over the week. She knows how to celebrate! I hope Jess didn't mind being hugged by the seating like that! Yum! Love sundaes, although I haven't had one in a long time. :)

    1. I love your description of the seat "hugging" Jess!


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