Thursday 9 May 2024

A Great Grandson

Is it really four years since George Robert B. arrived? We were in Lockdown, and life was so complicated for everyone. Our first Grandson - since joined by his little brother Jacob. Manchester seems so far away at times- we are grateful for WhatsApp and the ability to chat there. George is growing fast, and enjoys food, family life and having fun!

We hope you have some wonderful birthday celebrations - you decorated your Minion Cake beautifully. And we know you will be including Jacob in all the excitement. In four short months you will be starting school!
We are so proud of you, and we love you so much. Thank you for all the joy you bring!


  1. My four year old Grandson starts school in September too of course - can't believe how the time flies.

    1. Where has the time gone? You and I have both become OAPs and moved house since then...

  2. Oh goodness, Steph's lockdown birth!

    1. Difficult days for everyone - but we got through it

  3. Is it really four years ago? So much seems to have happened in those years. What a great cake!

  4. Happy birthday Master George. Four already. Have a lovely day.

  5. Super boys. Love the red hair, my god-daughter and her brother both have lovely red hair yet no one else in their family on either maternal or paternal sides had red hair, that gene has come from some Viking ancestor way back maybe, how exotic. Regards Sue H

    1. The red hair is from Bob's mum who was Flemish

  6. Happy Birthday to George! I love his hair!

  7. Many of the cousins have inherited Great Gran's curls and red hair

  8. Lovely to be able to see them via technology, great boys and they look alike, a very proud gran!

  9. Happy Birthday George. What a lovely cake. Hope you have a very special day. Love Isabel

  10. Happy Birthday George! I'm much in favour of children decorating their birthday cakes. When DS was small and 5 friends came to his party, I didn't have much time for fancy stuff so I put a base icing on the cake, marked out 6 sections and let each child decorate one with the piping tubes, candies, sprinkles available. They had a great time!

  11. Great idea - I love a good collaboration!

  12. Happy birthday, George! You did a great job decorating your cake!

  13. My redheaded Grandson was 4 in March but he won't start school until next August.

  14. I'd forgotten he was so close in age to put George


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