Wednesday 1 May 2024

Back To The Fuchsias

No these are not mine, mine are still straggly little things, but I am hoping they will grow into fine bushes like unto the ones from which I took the cuttings.I have moved them out into the front bed now, and hope they soon settle and start flourishing.
I've been taking things gently, pottering about with a few garden tasks, and doing lots of laundry [how lovely to peg it outside to dry, instead of draping it over the airer in the Futility Room]
My friend brought her favourite dungarees to church on Sunday- the clip had broken, and she wasn't sure if it was fixable. The metal was split and sharp - we eithe rneeded a whole new clip, or a replacement for the broken bits.
In fact I had just one similar clip in my stash, so Bob took off the little curved metal fastening and put it on the broken clip closing it with his pliers. 
I wasn't sure if this would work - and wondered what I'd do if the other clip broke. I emailed Fat Face customer services at lunchtime on Sunday.

Two new complete pairs of clips arrived on Tuesday morning. I have put them in my tin until needed [I have replaced three dungaree clips for friends from my stash in recent months, so I'm pleased to have four new ones now - I have my own elderly FF dungarees so may need a spare myself sometime]
Well done Fat Face - excellent customer service. Thankyou Jodie @FF
Bob has finished his puppet stand. That will be delivered next week. Pictures will follow. Stitching unpicked and redone [correctly this time]
Happy days! I hope to watch 'Shardlake' this evening. So sad that the author, CJ Sansom died at the weekend. I have loved all his historical crime books - well researched and well written, evoking the Tudor times. He seemed like such a nice chap.

How is it May 1st already? The year is flying by...
[Thank you Bob for suggesting the title for this post]



  1. Wow never thought a shop would send replacements for failed fastenings, well done FF.. Love fuchsias too and like you have a small plant growing into what I hope will be magnificent.

  2. Fuchsias remind me of ballerinas!
    Happy month of May!

    1. Yes - I'd never noticed that before, the slim legs and twirly skirts

  3. When I changed the calendar to May this morning, I felt a sense of time racing by. I think it’s because I am still suffering the after effects of the virus from March. Well done to you and Fat Face-so many things are thrown away because they seem to be unrepairable. Catriona

    1. I think the FF policy is to be applauded - to offer replacements and repairs is a Very Good Thing

  4. I love the Shardlake books, sad C.J. Sansom has died I knew he was ill. I loved Tombland set in Norfolk. Fat Face did well with the clip replacements, it would be good if other companies did the same. That's good you are taking things easier for a couple of days, we all need that now and again don't we? Regards Sue H

  5. We used to call Fuscias 'Prima Ballerinas' when I was little. If you go to Aldeburgh, there's the most incredible fuscia bush on the high street in someone's front garden!
    Good on Fat Face for having replacement parts! Kx

    1. I have not been to Aldeburgh for ages, Kezzie. It is a lovely place - I shall look out for the fuchsia next time!

  6. Good luck with the fuchsias, I hope that they flourish!

  7. Well done FF - and once again I admire your ingenuity when undertaking repairs 😍
    Alison in Wales x

  8. I regret that Shardlake is on Disney+ and so unavailable to me until I do some House and Dogsitting where they have 'The Works'!! That's in July. Lesley

  9. It's always wonderful to encounter firms that believe in customer service long after they get your money!

  10. I wonder if any of our Fuchsias will have the tasty little fruit that we have enjoyed before?

    1. I'd quite forgotten that we used to get berries from the fuchsia in Kirby Muxloe

    2. You can eat them????


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