Monday 27 May 2024

Happy Birthday Liz

This is a favourite picture of Liz - I see it every day on my fridge! Jess was a baby then - just like a little doll. This is my daughter and her girls, and I am so proud of the woman that she has become.
Here they are in the park last summer
I am sorry we cannot be with you on your birthday - Bob and I will be in Paris - and you and your crew will be in The Netherlands, with Steph and her family, all having a holiday together. 
I hope that you, Jon and the rest of the family, all have a wonderful time together. Love you lots - see you soon! 


  1. And thank you, Liz. I enjoy watching your lovely children grow up happy and secure. Thank you and happy birthday.

  2. Happy birthday to Liz! Wish her all the best from me, please.

  3. Happy birthday to your Liz, hope she had a lovely day.

  4. Happy Birthday Liz.

    And don't you all sound like a real jet-setting family. I hope you can get together soon for a belated celebration. xx

  5. Lovely family photos of Liz and her daughters. Happy birthday Liz. Hope you and Bob have enjoyed your holiday.

  6. How wonderful that the girls and their families want to take a holiday together! That must make you extra happy. Continue to enjoy Paris, JanF

    1. We are so blessed with our loving family

  7. Lovely photo and it’s lovely that the two sisters and their families are on holiday together. Are they off to Legoland by any chance? We’re home today and the washing machine is already in action. Catriona

    1. I don't think Legoland is on their itinerary. I'm sure the cousins will have fun together. Glad you are home aafe

  8. How lovely that your girls and their families will be holidaying together. I hope they have a lovely time with good weather, and I hope that you and Bob will continue to make more wonderful memories of Paris before you return home.

    1. Making many happy memories here in France 🇫🇷😊👍


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