Saturday 25 May 2024

Holiday Update #3

Friday - another museum, a church, a little bit of souvenir shopping, and more good food. Bob tried unsuccessfully to get an ice cream in Galleries Lafayette. He managed this in 1981, 1992 and 2006. But sadly not this time. I visited somewhere I'd wanted to see for over 50 years. 
Saturday - two churches, a cemetery, and at last, a splendid ice cream. The weather is wonderful, sunny and warm. 
I should say that this being our 4th trip to Paris, we're visiting an eclectic set of different places. So NOT the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc De Triomphe, Boat Trip etc. A full report on our return... 


  1. Bob looks one happy chappie as he wraps himself around that ice cream!

  2. We treated ourselves to some ice cream treats today and really enjoyed them. Looking forward to seeing photos of your trip. Catriona

    1. Oh be sure you will see the pictures eventually . I want to include some of those on Bob's phone too

  3. Sounds like you are having a lovely time. Glad that Bob got his ice cream! :)

  4. Try and get to Montmartre for something different.


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