Friday 17 May 2024

St Eustachius, Can You Hear Me?

There's a very old joke about three old ladies chatting on a bench
Isn't it windy?
No, it's Thursday 
So am I, let's have a cuppa!
But this week I'm not finding it as funny

The Nurse Practitioner at the Surgery says a minor throat infection has caused a blockage in my Eustachian tube, and this is why I am deaf in my left ear. Hopefully the nasal spray will clear this and I should be hearing again soon. Fortunately it is not painful. 
I looked up St Eustachius, he is the patron saint of hunters, firefighters and the city of Madrid. Nothing to do with ears. He was out hunting, and he found a deer with a crucifix between its horns and was subsequently martyred for his faith.
This is Bartholomeo Eustachi [1505-1574] anatomist and physician, who discovered how the ears, nose and throat are connected. Those tubes in your head are named after him,  nothing to do with the saintly huntsman.

If there were NHS loyalty points, I think my family would have enough for a free appendectomy by now, considering the amount of time spent in surgeries and clinics recently...


  1. I hope your throat infection clears and your ear blockage goes away. My mother was deaf in one ear due to a childhood ear infection and a perforated ear drum; as a child, when I wanted to whisper secrets to her, I used to ask her which was her good ear. :)

  2. Ooh, ear stuff is not nice when it happens! Hope it sorts itself out soon!xx

    1. Thank you. I have a nasal spray which seems to be helping

  3. Commiserations, I am slightly deaf in my left ear but it is permanent not sure why, the ear drum has been damaged in some way. I hope the spray helps. I hope your run of needing medical attention ends soon. Regards Sue H

    1. Thank you. I hope so do, but suspect we will continue to appreciate the NHS for a while yet

  4. I guess loss of hearing and decreasing sight is inevitable with old age. At least you and I both have one war that works 👂😊👍

  5. Sorry to hear you have Eustachian troubles. It seems odd to have a problem in the ear caused by a throat infection and cured by spraying something up your nose! Amazing how the body works! My ma in law and her two sisters could have been those three old ladies! Sadly hubby and I are in the same situation now, we often can’t hear/understand each other!

    1. Isn't the human body amazing? I'm sure you and your OH can communicate the really important things though. Like "I love you" and "shall we have some tea?" 😊

    2. I was about to say exactly the same thing. Hope you recover swiftly, Ang

  6. I have a greetings card with three similar old ladies saying the same thing. I bought it to send to my Mum but then thought better of it, so now I still have it ... if I'd known I would have sent it to you. ;-)

  7. Isn't it horrible when you have an ear problem, I can't bear the ' underwater' sensation and it makes me talk too loud! Get well soon x
    Alison in Wales x

  8. I have two perforated eardrums and am susceptible to ear infections. The worst side effect is vertigo which happens sometimes. Hope your nasal spray is helping. Catriona

    1. Ooh that's awful. I'm so sorry for you

  9. Sending hugs. Ears are unexpectedly painful. I hope that you feel better soon.

    I love looking at what patron saints cover - it's wonderfully eclectic.

    1. Yes, studying the patronages of the saints is SO eclectic!

  10. I hope your Eustachian tube heals or is freed up very soon!

  11. Get well soon! Hearing is so critically important!

  12. Years of audio-typing and listening to very loud music through headphones has left its legacy in my eardrums. My left ear is the worst and the audiologist has recommended a hearing aid. Might alleviate the raging tinnitus too.Old age, the gift that keeps on giving!

    1. Hearing aids are very good these days (bt costly) 👂👂👂♥️


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