Thursday 16 May 2024

The Red King

Well, to be honest, I am not quite sure what I think of the new portrait of the King. I think the face is very good. It certainly looks like him, which is a relief.
And the butterfly about to land on his shoulder is a nod to his interest in the natural world and the beauties of creation [and apparently to the way that Charles has metamorphosed from Prince to Monarch, according to the artist, Jonathan Yeo]
But I cannot get on with the fuzzy red background, merging into his uniform. JY says he did not want anything to detract the viewer from the King's Gaze.
However, I find that bit of braid which appears to be from his right shoulder, in a loop to his collar, then diagonally down to his hip is a real distraction,
But I don't have to hang it in my lounge, so that's OK.
One other Royal image you may or may not have picked up on is the new Gov.UK cypher on their website, and some official correspondence.[that came out in February]
At the top is the one which was used during Elizabeth's reign, below is the new one chosen by Charles. If you compare them, you will see the EIIR has the St Edward's Crown, with the top sections curving down, whereas CIIIR has the 'Tudor' crown, which is domed.
As from 5th June, the new King Charles Banknotes will enter circulation. More info here, or you can watch the brief Bank Of England video.
If you are in North Norfolk, you may struggle to pay for your bus with a £5 note - they have stopped taking them after twenty six forgeries were used on the buses last weekend. 
I don't suppose that Charles and Camilla have OAP bus passes, or take bus trips to the coast from Sandringham...


  1. What a weird portrait. Hope it's appreciated by someone!

    1. Just discovered that it is a Monarch Butterfly. Doesn't make me any more fond of the picture though

  2. I find the red rather too intense! Interesting that Charles has a different crown on the cipher!
    Oh dear! That's terrible about the forgeries! Kx

    1. Well, they won't have come from pensioners. We OAPs use our free passes on the bus!

  3. It is a rather interesting portrait of your king.

    1. That is a very polite and gracious comment, Bless. Maybe the artist could do a picture of Mr Trump with a similar background in orange?

    2. Oh Yes!! JanF

  4. The £5 note forgeries are here in East Sussex too. Yes I'm sure the King and Queen don't need to use a bus. I rather like the painting of the King, the artist has got his hands right too as the King himself says he has large "sausage" fingers. Not sure if I would want it on my wall either. Regards Sue H

    1. I think one would need a rather large wall to show it off. Cornerstones does not have that

  5. I like the portrait!

  6. The portrait looks like a mixed media collage where a photo of the sitter was stuck onto a prepared background! Catriona

  7. I think there will be a race for the old banknotes... I would definitely save one.
    And yes, I'm all for art - but the RED is too blatant, that's entirely my opinion. It distracts from the topic, you can hardly find the king.
    Many greetings from Viola. Have a nice Pentecost weekend.

    1. It will be strange when Queen Elizabeth goes out of circulation. Pentecost Blessings to you too

  8. I really like the new portrait, formal but informal somehow. Absolutely stunning 😀 X
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I think that is what Yeo was aiming for

  9. I think it is a stunning picture. Just right for the 21st centuary.

    1. Yes - definitely a change from the classic EIIR Annigoni picture

  10. I agree with you that King Charles face looks like him and in my view is the best part of the portrait. My first thought on seeing the painting on the news, it reminded me of protesters having thrown red paint.
    Your comment about Donald Trump made me smile.

  11. I'd forgotten the red paint protestors. I hope nobody defaces this one

  12. The portrait is growing on me more and more as I keep looking at it.

  13. That is a wonderful portrait of King Charles but all that red is kind of creepy! Well, I guess the artist had his reasons. I wonder what the King thinks of it?

    1. He and the Queen seemed to like it [but then it wouldn't be very regal to say they didn't!]

  14. I hadn't even noticed the Gov.UK change!

    The portrait is not my cup of tea, after watching a couple of episodes of Dexter last night, I'm afraid it reminds me of a blood bath.

  15. 👑The crown change slipped in almost unnoticed. Lots of people have mentioned 🩸blood

  16. That picture is... I like my art plain and simple because I'm easily confused. I'm really not sure about the whole red thing, but that face tells a long story.

    1. The face is a good likeness, that is undeniable

  17. I quite like the portrait too. It has certainly captured the likeness of Charles' face. The red is a bit much, but I think in a large room it would be eye catching rather than overwhelming. Love FD xx


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