Sunday 21 July 2024

Mum's Centenary

One hundred years ago today, my Mum was born. She died in 1991, but I still miss her. I went into the loft and found a few old photographs [and spent ages looking through boxes of pictures going back over 60 years and remembering all sorts of past events]

This was part of a collage made for their Ruby Wedding in 1988

This was taken in 1965, when we moved to Norfolk and Dad became Minister at Dereham Baptist Church. I  have the same haircut today

Clacton 1987 - how Mum and Dad loved their granddaughters
How Mum loved to relax with her copy of  The People's Friend!
She was an amazing woman. Born in Romford into an ordinary working class family, the 6th of 7 children [Auntie Peggy was her younger sister] 
She met Dad when they were 15, as WW2 broke out. They started "going out" at 16 and were engaged when they were 18. By this time, Mum had left school and was commuting into London each day to work as a clerk in the Foreign Office. She was whisked off to Bletchley Park and spent the rest of the war as a Codebreaker [no, she never told me a thing about what she did, other than that she had to learn Morse Code] 
After the War, she and Dad believed God wanted them to go to China. So they went off to Scotland to do a theology course and missionary training at a college in Glasgow. Halfway through their course, they married in 1948. But the world situation changed, China would no longer accept Christian Missionaries, so Dad became a Baptist Minister instead. in 1951 Mum became very ill, and would definitely not have survived if she'd been in the Far East. They were back in Romford. In 1955 I came along, and in 1962 my brother Adrian arrived. Dad worked in churches in Kent, Romford, Bishops Stortford, West Hartlepool and Dereham. She had a few part time jobs - but wasn't really fit enough for long hours. But she was an incredible support to Dad's work, running Ladies Groups, doing Pastoral Visiting, and being a great friend to many people. She died in 1991, just two years after Dad retired.
One final picture- Mum's 54th birthday in 1978. My best friend Dorothy was over from Belfast and staying with me for a few days. My new boyfriend offered to drive us up to Norfolk to surprise Mum. 
Here's Mum, Dad, Dorothy, Adrian - and Bob
This was the day my Mum met Bob for the first time. Her comment - "He's a really nice boy, but his hair is a bit long"
He had it cut very short soon after and never grew it quite that long again!
Look at my Dad's awful flares, and my brother's chunky boots [1970's fashions]
I learned so much from Mum, about life, and faith, and caring for others. I was privileged to grow up in a loving home, my parents had a strong marriage, and family life was very important. She would have been so proud of my girls, and their families. 
How the world has changed in the hundred years since Hilda Margaret Spooner entered the world. But her values of love, faith, honesty and service are still the best. 


  1. Thank you for that post Ang. It has made me think and be even more grateful for my own Mother as well as admiring yours.

  2. Eternal rest to your parents. It seems to me they did a great job. Life histories are so including those of extraordinary 'ordinary people'. I see Rosie in one of those photos.

    1. That's Rosie's Mum, Liz, with younger sister Steph. Rosie is SO like her Mum

    2. I mean the second photo.

  3. A nostalgic look through old photos. I put a lot of the our old ones into an album recently. The old ones where I didn’t recognise any of the places or the people I put back in the old battered suitcase. I still can’t throw them away but there is no one left in the family who could identify them now. I think you look like your mum and the new boyfriend was definitely a keeper!

    1. Well I've kept him for 46 years and see no reason to change!

  4. Such a loving trip down memory lane. Thank you for sharing. Regards Sue H

  5. It's such a blessing for those of us with happy, grateful memories of parents and grandparents. I keep 'photographs in my head' as memories to reflect on from time to time, and cook their recipes, read their books, listen to their music...

  6. I think your dad looks like a very trendy vicar! I love his flares and boots and Adrian's too. What a lovely tribute to your Mum. Makes me sad and melancholic to look back at my photos of the 70's and 80's. Makes me wish I could go back and right all the wrongs and know then what I do now, especially about my Dad's poor health. But as the song goes 'I did it my way!'

    1. we cannot live with "if onlys" but have to move on, and be grateful for the better memories, and live the life we have now. So often families were less open about health issues back then and therefore their actions didn't make sense. So often they were doing what they thought was best...❤️

  7. Lovely post. What a lovely mum. I thought that was Rosie in the pic, she sure looks like her mummy!

  8. Your mother sounds like she was a very special person and she raised a very special daughter, too.

    1. She was amazing., considering she lost the use of one lung in her 20s and still became a busy Mum. So many others might have just given up and become an invalid

  9. What lovely memories of your Mum, and so nice she knew her granddaughters. I also miss my Mum very much, she died in 1977 aged 47 and never knew my daughter but I always talked about her and of course we showed photos. Hugs. Xx

    1. I was so grateful she saw her granddaughters. So many do not have that joy

  10. Thanks for sharing the photos and giving us a good glimpse of your family, especially your Mum. I got a kick out of the photo of Bob with long hair!

    1. Quite different from his short grey hair today

  11. What a lovely lady your Mum sounds. There is such a family likeness there!

  12. What a lovely tribute to your mum.
    My mum died in 2002 and like you, I miss her every day.
    I have recently spent some time looking at old photos and trying to put the pieces together, like an impossible jigsaw puzzle. So many people, so many names missing or forgotten.
    It has taught me to cherish the people I am with and who I care for.
    (And to label my photos!!)

    1. Yes, we think "I'll do it later, then never get round to it

  13. What a beautiful post Ang. You are a good looking family and lovely to see you all. Catriona

  14. How lovely to share these memories with you x
    Alison in Wales x

  15. It’s fantastic to find out more about your lovely mum. How brilliant to have a photo from the day she and Bob first met. I’m so glad she approved of him from the start. I bet she grew to love him very much over the years. Nicky K

  16. I love this tribute! You look so similar in that first photo! I rather like your Dad's flares, brother's boots and Bob's hair!
    God bless your parents for their inspiring ministry to you.x

  17. What wonderful family photos, they are a treasure. Bob's hair ... only one word for it ... WOW!!

  18. That was what I thought when I met him!!

  19. Thank you for this post. Mum's are precious, I know my mum was to me. It was good to here about your mum's life.

  20. Can I just say that I would absolutely wear those flares - fabulous


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