Sunday 7 July 2024

Post Election Prayer

When I was a child, my father showed me the statue of Boudicca outside the Houses of Parliament. 

Being Dad, that meant he told me her story, and the importance of freedom, and justice - and the significance of the statue being by "the Mother of Parliaments". He told me that there was a time when people like me [a Baptist and a female] would have been denied the vote, and that brave men and women had fought for suffrage. He talked about democracy, integrity and truth. And he reminded me that even if we didn't agree with what our politicians were doing, we had a duty to pray for them. That they would have wisdom and grace to make right decisions, putting the good of the people above the advancement of themselves and their party. And that God would bless our nation.
When Rosie was born in St Thomas' Hospital, I carried her in my arms to the window and looked across the river to the Palace of Westminster. I whispered to her that when she was older I would take her to see Boudicca, and tell her of the importance of democracy and justice. And the privilege we have of being able to vote. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. Only a few hours old, how on earth would she understand what this batty grandma was saying? But it mattered to me. I was delighted to hear from Liz on Thursday that at Nursery, Jess and her friends were having an election too!
Bob and I stayed up till 5.30am on Friday morning [a perk of retirement!] We drank tea as they began to fall like dominoes - Shapps, Mordaunt, Keegan, Rees Mogg...we heard Rishi concede defeat and listened to Keir's victory speech. We watched amazed and excited LibDems and Greens winning seats. Then we went to bed [and woke up later to find Truss had gone too...] Parliament has turned over a new page - and there are fresh challenges ahead. I remember my Dad's words 60 years ago. And so I pray
Lord bless this new Government
Bless all those, of whatever party,
who have been elected to serve
Give them your wisdom
Help them fight for justice, 
to work for the underprivileged
the lost, the least, and the lowest
to care for our nation 
and our land
Bless those who have lost their seats
Help them find new purpose
and new ways to serve
Encourage all those behind the scenes
who worked so hard during the Election season
- especially those who feel defeated and uncertain
Thank you for the men and women of integrity
those who put the good of people first
who demonstrate morality and honesty
in their actions as well as their words
And we pray for our new Prime Minister
as he takes up this new role
We remember his wife and family
facing all the upheaval ahead
as they move into a new home
and into the public eye
In a world where many people are oppressed
Denied a vote and a voice
Never let us take our democracy for granted
And help each of us, whoever we are
To play our part in our communities
bringing the change our society needs
that Britain may become a better place


  1. I was a poll clerk on Thursday. It was good to see so many young people voting. Also parents with children explaining about voting. A long day, so didn't stay up to see results coming through.
    Lovely prayers.

    1. Thank you - being a polling clerk must be quite tiring [esp with the new ID rules] I'm glad younger people were voting

  2. That is a very nice prayer.
    We will be going to the poles, ourselves, this November and I know we will need a lot of prayers!

    1. πŸ™ It seems especially hard in the USA right now - from here it looks to me that one man is perhaps a little too old for the job, and the other is very unsuitable

  3. What a wonderful prayer. Thank you for sharing. Catriona

  4. Thank you, I think your prayer says it all. Amen to that. Regards Sue H

  5. What an excellent prayer!

  6. I stayed up until 4 am. It was a good night and I was so happy to wake up to a new government. I think Keir Starmer is a good, decent and hard working man. I like his position that being in government is service not personal achievement. I am hopeful but cautious for the next five years.

    1. πŸ™ - yes, hopeful but cautious seems a wise attitude. Change cannot be effected quickly.

  7. I think it is a prayer that is needed for all leaders, governments and politicians in the world today! Amen

    1. πŸ™ - I heard on the BBC today that there will be more elections this year around the world than ever. Not just the USA, UK and France...

  8. Wise words from you and your Dad. Amen to the prayer.
    Alison in Wales x

  9. we made sure we watched the news to see who had won. At this point in my life I am not sure what is going to become of this world. However honestly I am more afraid of the USA election, because that will affect Canada more. Personally I wouldn't be happy with the results in the UK, but that's just me.

    1. I do hope that Canada is not too adversely affected by the USA Election.

  10. What a thoughtful prayer. I shall tell my grandaughter to vote just as I told my daughter, women died for us to have a say and for us not to vote is a slight. Xx

    1. Absolutely - Emmeline Pankhurst et al sacrificed so much for us to have a voice.

  11. New PM was in Scotland today. Hope that's a good start. Not sure about his stance on WASPI women though. I'll be very disappointed if he rules is out.

    1. I don't know what the PM thinks about WASPI women like us. I suspect we are a long way down the to-do list

  12. Amen


  13. I'm glad Rosie knows about the importance of voting. I get particularly upset when women don't vote, even moreso than when men can't be bothered. Even if one spoils the ballot it is important to take the opportunity. I like that prayer and will save it for our government's election next year.

  14. I will share the prayer on our church FB page, if that's OK with you. and link to your page. I think it's so important! Love FD xx

    1. 🌈Always happy for prayers to be shared, FD

  15. Amen to your prayer. Like FD would you mind if I added it to our church magazine too?


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