Wednesday 31 July 2024

Stacey Solomon, Eat Your Heart Out!


To be fair, I have not watched more than about one-and-a-half of these programmes. Dear Stacey goes to help people living in overcrowded chaos to minimalise their possessions, and get everything organised. All the while she is relentlessly cheerful [except when consoling people as they part with emotional items] Her decluttering technique is quite a common one - empty everything out. sort it into categories, then dispose of items which are duplicated, dated, damaged or despised. Sounds good in principle, but I get hot under the collar when this reduction includes getting rid of books or haberdashery.

SS herself lives in a massive Tudor style mansion costin £1.2M which she calls "Pickle Cottage". So she has loads of rooms to play around with. Anyway, back to my decluttering. 

Cornerstones' original garage is a small, damp brick built, flat roofed building. And since 2009 we have been filling it up with more and more stuff. Bicycles, gardening equipment, outdoor toys, painting and decorating supplies etc. Plus old freezer and even older tumble dryer. I said "If we have a dry sunny day, I will empty it all out and tidy it up." Not least because all my flower pots were at the end behind three bikes, and I could not get to them. I have no idea how many I have, nor yet what sizes. Here are the before shots
As you enter, the frudge and dryer are immediately inside the door. The bench is stacked high with gardening stuff, and you cannot reach the green drawer unit because there is a lawnmower, dustbin full of compost and sack barrow in the way. Then on one side shelves crammed with paint, toys, tools, a gas heater, whilst the opposite wall has a hanging rack full of tools 
and the central space is packed with bikes, and bits of wood etc. There is no room to swing a small felt mouse, let alone a cat. We have bizarre things like huge rolls of foil, a large bag of microphone stands -  and a pair of coffin trestles. I am not sure why Bob rescued them from a church decluttering day...
Everything went outside in vague "Categories" . The wheeled stuff included bikes, lawnmower, 2 sack barrows[flatbed and sacktruck] 2 pressure washers, shredder, shopping trolley, toddler vehicle, trolley jack...
Cans and boxes, trugs and bags, the gas heater, and my sign from a skip. And a heavy box - not unpacked since Easter 2021. Why do you have so many vices? I asked him...and the blue thing that holds the drill to the bench...
I put paints and chemicals under the windows in the shade and Bob came and sorted them out, I found a strange thing that looked like part of the Starship enterprise [it is the heavy base of a stand for holding things up when you are working on them]
And Liz's 1982 nappy bucket, now totally full of funnels in all sizes!
And a mysterious jar of green liquid which is definitely not  seafood sauce.
But I ran out of time, the items were put back neatly, but the bench is still stacked with my garden stuff and unsorted flowerpots. That's for another day. But lots of junk went into the bin, and I was able to repurpose my tall flower arranging buckets to store garden canes, brooms and 'spare broom handles' very neatly.
Now one bike is hanging up at the end by the door [which cannot be opened due to the sandbags on the other side] But in the space behind it, the coffin trestles have provided an excellent stand for the mic-stand case to rest horizontally, no longer in danger if getting a soggy bottom from a damp floor.
Tools hang neatly, brushes are supported in tall buckets. The mower is parked sideways and takes up less room.
You can see the clear space around the bicycles.
All is good, and we are happier. 
I am still wondering what the green stuff in the seafood sauce jar is though...
And I never realised I had so many of those blue stacking Sainsbury boxes from 1998...


  1. Wow that's impressive - both the before and after photos............. and sooooo funny about Bob and his many vices πŸ˜‚
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The following day I could barely move, I was so stiff. The flowerpots remain unsorted

  2. That's an astonishing amount of work. We've solved the garage problem by not replacing it when the old one was removed (rotten concrete sides and asbestos roof). But the state of the shed...

    1. We left our lovely shed in Dorset - Bob is thrilled with his worksho(aka Lathe Palace)

  3. That was certainly a marathon, well done.

    1. Thank you - all the walking backwards probably equated to 26miles!

  4. I enjoy "Sort your life out" in a rather voyeuristic way. I need to do the same for my garage - I would like to put clothes airers in there in the winter when clothes can't be hung outside. I am in total awe at your efforts.

    1. That's a good idea about the airers. I think I have only used the tumble dryer a couple of times since retirement. But I'm hanging onto it anyway

    2. I enjoy watching sort your life out too. I admire Stacey Solomon .... she does a lot of charitable work within her community which she does not shout about.

    3. Thank you Lynn - I didn't know that. After her lavish wedding, all the decorations were given to Barnardos, and the tables and chairs went to other charities. That is definitely creative, well considered and generous decluttering!

    4. Yes and most of those decorations she had made herself. I think she get a bad press.

  5. Impressive! Hope you didn't do all of that in the heatwave you've been having??!!My shed is in a disgraceful state but it's too hot to do anything about it just now!My neighbour across the way is moving soon and last week in a final attempt to empty her old house, she put everything outside in her parking bay and told everyone to help themselves! Can't believe there's only one bicycle left from the amount of stuff that was was there. Good that it's all been recycled.

    1. I love the on-street-help-yourself idea,but it only really works if there's a good footfall. OAPs walking dogs aren't interested!

    2. We call it the magic sidewalk. Put something out and it magically disappears. ~ skye

  6. Great job and I’ll bet you were tired. We are currently using both the motorhome and garage for storage while the double glazing is being fitted. We are now at the stage of putting things back and rehanging the curtains which is a very hot job in this weather. Catriona

    1. The moho must be very useful right now!

  7. You must have been exhausted after that! I'm sure Stacey would be proud of you. ( Wonder what they pay her for being so cheerful.....)

    1. Enough to buy her luxury mansion I guess πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜†

  8. Well done. 10 years ago we downsized from a large 4 bedroom house (loads of storage) with double garage to a small 2 bedroom bungalow, small garage and shed. We had to seriously prune our belongings. We have never been a family who gathers clutter yet we still had far too many possessions. We now have a rule one item in one out and mostly we have stuck to that except with books it is much harder to maintain. It is quite liberating.Regards Sue H

  9. Haha, I had the same nappy bucket for Simon's nappies and then used for his brothers. A good day's work.

    1. We have another, much newer nappy
      Bucket πŸͺ£- bought specifically for mixing large quantities of fruit punch 🍹for a church function, now used for car washing πŸͺ£

    2. My nappy bucket went on to become the wallpaper -paste bucket for when we decorated, such a useful shape for that. :-)

    3. Straight sides and oval not round. Win-win for the paste brush

  10. You did a ton of work! Reminds me of when I cleaned out my garage - except, I did it over several days and I didn't pull everything out like you did! That method overwhelms me. t's been a couple of years and I should probably get back in there and do a bit more. But, I'll wait until it is cooler. Too funny about Bob and his vices! In American English, that would be spelled, "vise" when it pertains to a clamp like tool or grip. :)

    1. I'd forgotten about the vice/vise thing.

  11. After my Dad died, we tried to sort the garage. Mum found a lemonade bottle marked "dangerous liquid" . We have no idea...

    1. Now I'm wondering how you disposed of it....πŸ˜‰

    2. I can't remember! I let Mum do it. I have a feeling she took it to the tip and passed on the responsibility...

  12. What a marathon after your busy trip! You had me giggling at the "Seafood Sauce". JanF

    1. I.pur it straight in the bin, decided against trying to wash it out for recycling in case it was Something Sinister Sauce

  13. Oh you did well, but obviously you need a bigger shed! πŸ˜€. We had two or three unused bicycles in our shed and "lent" them to a neighbour who had young people visiting over summer, a year or two back. We made it clear that we were in no hurry for their return!

  14. Well done you, a job needed and completed.. we've moved twice in 6 years so got rid of stuff but still doing it!

  15. Well done!!! What a good job! Kezzie x


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