Tuesday 13 August 2024


 Dear Grandma

I am writing to you to ask for some thing.
So for World Boock Day I would like to dress up as Penut Jones by Rob Biddulph so I’m asking if you would gladly make it for me

Yours sinserly Rosie

When you get a letter like this, from somebody special, you have to take it seriously. Somebody who has noticed that my response is frequently "I'll gladly do that for you" and takes the trouble to give 7 months notice and gives details of the author. I'd never heard of Peanut Jones. I searched the Net and discovered she was created by award winning artist Rob Biddulph.  He seems like a great guy, who wants to encourage children to draw and to write.
The intro to his first PJ book says
Drawing feels like magic to Peanut Jones. But art can't fix her problems. Her dad has gone missing, and she's stuck in a boring new school. Until the day she finds a unique pencil turbo-charged with special powers. Suddenly she's pulled into a world packed with more colour, creativity, excitement and danger than she could ever have imagined. And maybe, just maybe, she might find out what happened to her dad...

All good thus far - then I discovered this guy actually put out a tweet last February, helping people who wanted to dress as PJ for WBD. An illustration with notes. The main requirement was the bandolier. Rosie has the denim dungaree shorts and the red hair already. I ordered some stripey tights online.

So Rosie and I set to, with some rainbow coloured tape, scrap elastic, and some old crayons [really old - the sort that break when you try to sharpen them. One even said Stephanie Almond  and came from Auntie Steph's primary school pencil case c. 1991] Clever Grandad taped the long pencils tUPDATEher then cut them in half. I used the same technique as I rely on when making my pencil rolls, stitching up and down to make channels.
First trying on session - bandolier and topknot [dungarees, tights and blue tee shirt will come later] Rosie is extremely pleased with her outfit. I will be surprised if she waits till next March to wear it!
UPDATE : I just had a comment saying "Great costume Grandma, from Rob Biddulph" which really WAS there, honest. But disappeared when I tried to publish it! I am ridiculously excited that he noticed, and approves!! 


  1. Brilliant costume, and I'm glad it was gladly made! Rosie looks so different with her hair up!

  2. That is such a sweet letter and of course, Grandma would gladly make it for her! :)

  3. This is so lovely, especially the letter to Grandma 😍
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm glad she enjoys writing letters - not every communication has to be online!

  4. The outfit is going to be brilliant! She certainly likes to plan ahead and that's very sensible.

  5. Writing you a letter is so charming. Such a lovely girl. Great that the author tweeted the page of how to do for the children to follow. Love your take on the costume. Rosie looks years older with her hair up. I loved this post.

    1. I think Rob B is so thoughtful to help the children like that

  6. How lovely that Rosie can write you such a lovely letter asking for your help with her costume for WBD. You and Bob have done a great job already. Rosie certainly looks older than her 8years with her hair up.

  7. How lovely to receive a letter asking so nicely for help. The bandolier is exactly right and the top knot perfect. Rosie certainly looks very different with her hair up and as you say, very grown up. Catriona

    1. A good letter deserves a generous response

  8. What a lovely letter, well done Rosie. The bandolier looks good and I’m sure the outfit will be great. I can’t believe how grown up Rosie looks with her hair up. I’m sure she could tackle anything Peanut can.

  9. That looks amazing, and she was just born to dress as that character with that gorgeous hair and freckles. I love that she helped make her outfit too, a shared job with all of you doing what you do best, makes it all the more special and full of memories.

    1. Yes, her hair and freckles are exactly right

  10. She will be the perfect Peanut!

  11. What a lovely post and picture! Well done everyone 🌞

  12. How nice to receive such a lovely letter and obviously thinking ahead. I'm guessing she takes after Mummy for her organising skills. I'm going to try and find a copy of the book for my granddaughter who is the same age as Rosie, she is about a week younger I think. Looking forward to seeing Rosie in all the costume. Hugs Xx

  13. That's fantastic!!!! I love it!!! How lovely he sent a comment!! I remember Sam Sedgwick shared my picture of myself dressed as Hal from Adventures on trains on his insta and I was excited! Kx

    1. Kezzie, your Cosplay outfits are so good, they deserve a wider audience

  14. P.S. I hope you borrow Peanut Jones from the library so you and Rosie can discuss it!

  15. Such a lovely letter, she trusted that Grandma could solve the case. And it was really successful, she looks great with the outfit!


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