Monday, 24 May 2010

Spang Your Gales!

According to our wonderful Forgotten English calendar for today, this means "Make haste!" - so we did. Bob dropped me in the city and he went off to B&Q for poisons [ie weedkiller] We speculated on the fact that back in the days of Agatha Christie et al, you had to sign the Poisons Register for these things. I believe you still do, if you want to buy some stuff [arsenic or cyanide] but RoundUp is OK.

I saw some lovely signs as I dashed round the city with my shopping trolley


I know some people feel they could live in M&S, but this is ridiculous


I pondered on my eternal soul - these have a shorter span


Then we diverted via the new Stratstone dealership [we couldn't get to their opening event and hog roast - but Helen said it was fun]

Here's Bob trying to look as cool as Steve McQueen!


Saw a lovely crash helmet - but it was £550 so I put it down fast.

In the Car Park is a Triumph Burger Trailer [does she tow it behind the bike do you think?]DSCF0066

The Stratstone Company was founded in 1921 by two men Ernest Instone and Undecimus Stratton. I guess Mr S must have been the eleventh child. But what a name to saddle him with!

Then on to Asda, but not for groceries...


One hundred buckets for one of the Holiday Club Craft activities. These are the ones in which their flowers arrive - and after use they are just chucked! For a small donation into their charity box, they let us take all we wanted!


Then on to M&S for a cuppa - and I thought I'd use my vouchers for money off some dairy products.  I had cut out this coupon from a free M&S booklet [all about their dairy products - milk, cream, butters, yogurts and cheeses] This is where the system falls down - the till would not recognise yogurt as a dairy product! Eventually they sorted it and I handed over two vouchers and 16p for lots of stuff.

Home and lunch

Now Bob is gardening and I am off to tidy up downstairs. I shall spang my gales to the dining room forthwith!


  1. Marvellous that you can have all those buckets for just a small donation.
    And as for spanging your gales......words fail me!

  2. I love "spang your gales"--it actually sounds like a southern saying, but then many of us here in the American South have our origins over there where you are.

    Love all the pictures!



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