Saturday, 3 December 2011

High Lights

Bob and David went up onto the flat roof at the front of the church on Thursday afternoon, to put up the lights.


There was considerable interest from passers-by, including a little girl with her Dad, who obviously recognised Bob from school assemblies and things.

“Daddy, I KNOW that man!” she declared loudly


The village lights are being switched on ‘officially’ at 4pm on Sunday afternoon, in some sort of ceremony at the Village Hall. I shall try and get some pictures of them, shining in the darkness.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog Angela. Very nice to make your acquaintance, and especially that of a fellow believer.

    Interesting blog you have here - I shall try to follow along as you and Bob shine light in your part of the world.

    Now those heights Bob is on is definitely not something for me !

    Have a wonderful weekend, and Advent.

  2. Bob is brave that's for sure! I hate heights. The lights will look beautiful. :-)

  3. Ooooooooooh a ceremony - I love them!

  4. Hope someone was at the bottom holding the ladder!
    Looking forward to the night pics. :-)


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