Sunday, 23 September 2012

There IS Such A Thing As A Free Lunch!!


10.30am at Church this morning, followed by lunch. Much prayer, preparation and planning has been going on round here.

Hoping and praying that at least one of the fifty or so people, to whom I have given an invitation, will turn up!


  1. how lovely, I hope every one comes and enjoys the fellowship and the following food xx

  2. Prayed that you were inundated with people!

  3. LOTS of visitors for the service [inc 2 of those I invited] and quite a few stayed on for the brilliant lunch organised by Moira and her team. Many thanks to all who took part in service or contributed to the meal.

  4. SOunds fantastic! It's Back to church Sunday next week for us and we are having a sort of family open-day afterwards as well. I am responsible for a prayer tent, so understand your prayers and hopes for people to turn up!

  5. It was an excellent service and a wonderful lunch. We have always felt very welcome at kirby and Mum always said the same.


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