Wednesday, 12 December 2012


grumpy2In the early hours of the morning, my cough was not only bothering me but also keeping Bob awake. I decamped to the spare bedroom. If I lay down, the painful cough persisted. I sat in the chair. And turned on the PC. Do not do this, friends, late night surfing is not good for you, especially in the depths of the flu!!

I ended up grumpily wrestling with many unanswered questions at 4am

  • if someone writes a book about how Christian woman can simplify their lives, are not the reviewers who say “It is so brilliant I have bought 20 copies to give to my friends” missing the point a little?
  • if aforementioned book explains how a month without use of the iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Xbox and Playstation will really benefit my spirituality – do I need this book? I have already managed 50+ years of life without any of them!
  • how do these women manage to say “I overpaid £500 again on my mortgage this month!”? [oh hang on, I can answer that one – they are the ones who have a job]
  • why are some people buying all sorts of rubbish at ridiculous prices on eBay, when the sort of surplus goods I could sell all seems to be worthless?
  • am I following the wrong people on Twitter?
  • I realise that our political system means we are – technically – represented in Parliament. But it does appear to me that the blithering idiots of our society appear to be better represented in Whitehall than the intelligent thinking people
  • how come so many people have set themselves up as ‘trainers’ ‘consultants’ ‘life-coaches’ or whatever, and people pay to read their material – when it is poorly written and apparently published without and sort of proof-reading?
  • am I the only woman in the country who has not watched Pop Idol, X factor, I’m a Celebrity. or Strictly ?
  • why are so many people obsessed with hessian? [or ‘burlap’ as they call it over the pond]

broccoliIt took FrugalMummy’s wonderful anecdote about “midweek broccoli” to bring me back to reality, and convince my heat-oppressed brain that I should switch off the PC and attempt sleep [in a sitting position, with many pillows]

Bob kindly woke me around 9am with a cup of tea!


  1. Blimey Missus, that's a lot to take in at 4.00am!!I can't answer all of your questions but suffice to say, I only watch 'Strictly' - for me it's a form of sequinned escapism!!You're so lucky having Bob as a Teasmaid!!Hope you both get rid of the lurgies soon. Potter's do a very good cough linctus but I can't remember the name of it - it's in a green and black box?

    1. Just discovered some Covonia Linctus lurking in the cupboard. Shall does myself with that tonight [and ask about Potters next time I am in Boots]

  2. Yes that is the trouble with the mid-night insomnia - the more you try not to think, the more you do, and of course, none of it is really that important. I can answer No to your question about TV - with head held high, but I guess I don't count as we are currently travelling in France in motorhome. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Travelling round France in a motorhome sounds wonderful - who needs Bruce Forsyth and co when you have the sights and sounds [and tastes] of that fine country to entertain you?
      And yes, you are right - the more you try to 'switch off' your brain, the faster the cogs whirr round!!

  3. Hold off ALL will help the cough it is the phlegmy sort.
    Jane x

    1. drinking green milkless tea, and using Pure Soya spread!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. There are more questions than answers! I don't use Twitter or Facebook, don't have any gadgets, and often wonder how those who overpay their mortgage by an amount greater than my monthly income can't afford to put the heating on!

    1. Its all about the choices we make in life, is't it? Expenditure I regard as unavoidable is another woman's luxury and vice versa.

    2. I agree about choice, and in these cases it is a choice not a lack of affordability, which is why I find the use of the phrase 'I can't afford' irksome. Robyn at Essex Hebridean wrote an excellent post about this last month - it's well worth a read, as are many of her posts, particularly the ' Frugal Friday' ones.

  5. In the words, paraphrased, of my favourite rainbow in all the world, virtual or otherwise, sometimes PC wakes up Grumpy,and sometimes he lets her sleep. We must step away from the keyborad, drink hot port, and breathe. Even if it is only through our mouths. And some of us should eash some dishes. Apparently we are dishwasher shopping in the sales. Hall. E. Lu. Jah. You're my lifecoach. How much do you want? About to email you some invitations to cheer you up. We can but dream!!

    1. Surely one can only dream once one has dropped off to sleep, perchance!

  6. All the life coaches I know have seriously mucked up their own lives....

    Can't answer your Twitter question as I've never tweeted! (Twitted?) :)

    Burlap - what's the point? It's wonderful for potato sacks.

    If your cough is the spasm-y kind (not the dry tickly kind), try a double dose of Robitussin - or any cough syrup the active ingredient of which is dextromethorphan. (The box should say DM, or at least it does here.) You can safely double the recommended dose - and if that doesn't work I'd ask your GP for a prescription cough suppressant.

    I do hope you're feeling better - a nasty cough like that is so tiring (for all concerned).

  7. I remember reading blogs by "SAHM"s who spent vast amounts of time fashioning stuff out of burlap and old flour sacks. I have nothing against stay at home mums...but these were so self satisfied! I actually felt inferior while I read them, until I managed to persuade myslfthat I didn't need several cushions all over my bed made with hessian.(I don't thibnk hessian sounds half as interesting as burlap!)

    1. And MY flour comes in paper bags anyway. 'Burlap' sounds like an aggravatingly little cough when I say it [oh hang on, everything sounds like an ALC this week for me]

  8. I find Simple Linctus very good at soothing any type of cough to get me off to sleep at night. £1.79 for 200mls in Lloyds qith a choice of sugarfree or sugarfull. Boots do their own brand and any chemist will have it. I ought to get commission for this, shouldn't I : ) Up until this winter it has been the cheapest cough medicine on the market but it has almost doubled in price since last January - but it works for me.

    Get well soon, both of you!

    1. Thanks Jo- will check its ingredients against all the other linctusses [linctii?] recommended above.

  9. The dangers of late night surfing. Have not watched any of those TVs programmes either.


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