Monday, 11 February 2013

How To Not Do Nothing

There’s a good double negative for you!

James 2:16 says…

If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but DOES NOTHING about their physical needs, what GOOD is it?

I’ve thought a lot about the words of James recently. So I am trying to make a greater effort to  use up my Great Stash for the benefit of others. Each month I want to try and send something to a charity which I have made from the resources I have in store. The enforced sofa-situation has obviously assisted that process thus far.

DSCF5187January – the Leprosy Mission will benefit from the blanket I’ve made and posted off to Belfast. That should eventually end up in Hombolo

DSCF4670February – the Sailors’ Society Woolly Hat Week benefitted from all those hats I was making around Christmas [other than the ones received as gifts by friends and family]

March? ah well, I have a March project already on the go. But you will have to wait to see what that is about…and remember,

Don’t Do Nothing, Do Good Instead!


  1. If you have some pink wool in your crafty stash, you might be interested in taking part in this:

    Vicki is organising this project, giving pink scarves to women suffering from/recovering from/living with breast cancer. I bought some wool to knit a scarf, which looked "hot pink" but now, once knitted up, looks decidedly "hot orange" ...Oh well!

    1. Having checked this out, I am pleased to see it runs until October 2013. Brilliant!

  2. I'm doing something similar...revealed in March.
    Jane x

  3. I don't know about Christianity in the UK, but in the US, the emphasis seems to be more on right belief than on action. But how can we really be Christians if we don't serve others? In any event, I love your projects and will take inspiration from them!


  4. Wonderful idea ~ and I like the quote ~
    "Don't do nothing, do good instead!"
    Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Blanket has arrived in chilly Belfast. It may do some test runs here before heading to Africa....


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