Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Lesser Spotted Supply Teacher


Twenty minutes with some fabric scraps and some Bondaweb, and I have my Spotty Outfit sorted for the Children In Need event at the school where I shall be working all day. And the great thing about Bondaweb is that with the gentle application of a steam iron, I shall be able to peel the circles off again afterwards! I made a superhero cloak for a 5 year old friend too. Amazing what you can do with a strip of old shower curtain!


Are you dressing up? What will you be wearing?

Are you coming out in spots or being superheroes?



  1. I'm off work on Friday so I'll be "sofa-man"!!!

  2. Oooh, clever outfit!! We are not doing anything for Children in need at school this year, we've had quite a few fundraising things recently so I guess that's why. X

  3. Reminds me of that song by Spike Mulligan.........Spotty Muldoon!


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