Thursday, 2 July 2015

An Interesting Looking Cove

definition COVE [noun]

  1. a small bay or inlet, usually between rocky headlands
  2. old fashioned term for a fellow; chap

P1010672Here’s my own favourite cove, paddling at Lulworth Cove on Tuesday. We enjoyed the most gloriously sunny day off together. We arrived in time for breakfast and went to Brody’s Cafe


Bob declared sausages excellent. I had a bacon and mushroom roll. After eating we wandered down to the beach and walked along the shingle, paddled, and sat on a rock to rest for a bit. Then we climbed the cliffs to see even more of the natural beauty. Our day out also took us to Winfrith, Wool and Wareham. On the way back, we drove round the Cordite Factory Site at Holton Heath, so Bob could look at the WW2 buildings. Home via Lidl to buy cheap ice lollies! then to friends in the evening for a BBQ. A Very Good Day Off!

lulworth wareham and wool


  1. That looks like a spectacular breakfast!!

  2. I'm aching to go to the seaside!
    Glad you had a great day besides the seaside, besides the sea. xxx

    1. As I've always said, the one thing that's really wrong with Leicestershire is its distance from the sea!!

  3. You and Kezzie are making me crave a sausage.
    I'm glad you guys relaxed at the cove and soaked up the beauty.

  4. OOOoh, looks really nice!!!! I've heard of that place and I'd like to go!x

  5. Oh, those sausages look good! As always, Bob is my kinda guy. Er, cove.



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