Sunday 29 September 2024

So Much To Be Thankful For

Today Bob is leading the Harvest Thanksgving Service at the local Congregational Chapel. He has asked me to read this prayer, which comes from The Farming Community Network

Lord, we praise you for the harvest of the fields around
For fields of wheat and barley; for oil-seed rape and maize,
for healthy herds, for sheep and pigs,
We give thanks.

We praise you for the harvest of local hedgerows,
for the straggling bramble; for black showers of elderberry,
for mushrooms nestling in the dewy grass
We give thanks.

We praise you for the harvest of gardens and allotments;
For earthy roots and crackling cabbage,
for hanging beans and striped courgette
We give thanks.

Lord we praise you for the harvest of talents in your church;
for buildings well maintained, for flower arrangements and music,
for responsible stewardship, for charities supported.
We give thanks.

We praise you for the harvest of fellowship here,
for friends made and support given.
For people with whom to laugh and with whom to weep.
We give thanks.

Lord we praise you for the harvest of prayer in this place.
For commitment deepened; for discipleship taken up,
for the cross carried and the burdens borne
We give thanks.

Lord we dedicate this festival of harvest thanksgiving to you.
Bless us, strengthen us, unite us in your love. Amen


  1. 🙏
    It's nice to see the fruit and veg on the display as well as tins etc.
    Alison in Wales

  2. Lovely prayer. Its a long time since I saw a display like that!

  3. Yes, harvest is more about the food gathered, it is also about coming together and sharing. Our harvest supper is being held next Saturday in the village hall. I’m making a big shepherd’s pie and rhubarb (from the garden - the squirrels ate all my apples again) crumble to share and altogether we will be about 100 people sitting down to eat. The money raised goes as usual to Stonepillow (the Chichester and Bognor Regis based homeless charity) and the Petworth food bank. How wonderful you met Kirsten in person. Your stitching, and Kirsten’s, is both creative and beautiful. Sarah

  4. That's a very comprehensive and well-written prayer. Kx

  5. I love that you printed this in different colors, it makes it so easy to read and also to think of the many different colors of nature, fruit, vegetables and flowers. JanF

  6. What a beautiful display. We have so much to be thankful for. xx

  7. We had that prayer and other material from that farming network at our harvest thanksgiving today here in urban South Manchester.

    1. It's always good to be reminded - even if you live in town not country. I'm coming to Manchester in November for a few days.

  8. Thank you for sharing your harvest display and the prayer. It is a wonderful reminder that we have so much to be thankful for.

  9. Lovely prayer. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving in 2 weeks time.

  10. Thank you for sharing the prayer.


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