Monday, 9 December 2024

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night...

 Julian only had one full weekend off in December, so we designated last weekend to be his "Christmas Family Weekend In Norfolk" The best laid plans...
He arrived mid morning on Friday, but Bob was away at a funeral till teatime. We went out in the evening to a Christmas Production [more on that later] which was brilliant.
Saturday, up early, and after getting the evening meal veg prep sorted, the three of us went to church to set up for the Craft Fair. Home for lunch, Oven timer set, and back again for the 2pm start.
People had worked so hard, knitted goods, pottery, cakes, millinery, books, woodcraft [Bob] textiles [me] ...there was lots on offer. Crystal, the Pastor's wife had a table of children's activities in the back room [all free] Beforehand, Julian helped her set up, then he came through to manage the card reader [useful for all those who didn't have enough cash!] 

Quite a few people from the village came in, not just church folk. A couple of the Mums and Toddlers said they'd really enjoyed Tuesday's story, and were reading the little book to their children each eveningIt was cold and wet all afternoon, as Storm Darragh rained down. When we got home, we noticed the lights in the Nativity Tableau were off "I think we have had a power cut" said Bob. "My oven!" I said. Fortunately, the power had comer back on again, and we were able to switch on the oven straightaway, and realised our meal would be only about half an hour late.
We all worked hard getting ready. Menu was roast chicken and loads of veg [potatoes, carrots, broccoli, sprouts, red cabbage] plus pigs in blankets, yorkshire puds, cranberry sauce, gravy.... to be followed by choice of two puds [frangipane tart with cherries, apple strudel - and creme fraiche or custard] There were a couple of candles on the table, and napetties elegantly folded in the glasses. I'd just got all the veg in their serving dishes in the warming oven when Adrian and Marion arrived. Bob ushered them into the lounge. I started bring food through to the table and summoned everyone for dinner [this was the second call, first call was the smoke alarm which went off when I opened the oven door!] 
As the other four came to sit down, all the lights went out. I found and liut more candles, switched on the three little battery pillar candles- and Bob fetched his huge worklamp. [Think searchlight in the tower at Stalag Luft III]

We ate our meal by candlelight. It wasn't quite how I'd planned...
We retired to the lounge, without our usual after dinner coffee. Adrian and Marion went home at 9, to their own, dark, house. We loaded food into the fridge and crocks into dishwasher by torchlight. Power back on at 9.30 and we went to bed promptly, in case we were plunged into more Stygian gloom.
Sunday morning, up early [again] Bob and Julian went off to church in Wymondham [Bob was guest preacher] stopping to pick up Joseph, who had toppled over outside. It was wet and windy. I set off to our church, and was just over halfway when I encountered this fallen tree blocking the road...
No option but to turn round and take a more circuitous route. I got to church 5 minutes late. 
It was announced we had raised well over £700 at the Fair - and excellent result, and great community involvement. I came home, in the rain, and picked up a fallen Wise Man before going inside to prepare lunch.
Oops! Julian and Bob got back [safely] and we ate our meal, then J drove back to Essex. He messaged me later to say he was "home and dry"
It was so good to have him with us for a couple of days, and we had fun despite high wind, rain and powercuts. Other people in other places had it much, much worse. I hope you have not been badly affected by Storm Darragh. 
Alexa and the 'smart' gadgets took a while to recover from the powercuts, and resetting all the electric clocks took a while too
Make sure you have torches and blankets on hand, and take care when you have to go outside.


  1. And breathe! What an event-full weekend!

  2. Eeek! The power cuts could have made things v difficult but well done for adapting. Am glad the craft fair went well. I hope you personally managed to sell lots! Your dinner sounds yummy!! Glad you got to spend some time with Julian. Where is he for Christmas day? Kxx

    1. Bob's little wooden boats were really popular, as were my "Waxwraps" and animal print hairbands. But I sold very few mini jumpers (which were big sellers last year)

  3. "Picked up a fallen wise man" conjours up such a picture and thoughts! That is great you managed all your planned arrangements and events despite weather conditions and power cuts and that Julian got home safely. We were lucky here in East Sussex despite high winds and being by the coast. Regards Sue H

    1. His robes were dripping wet! I must go out and check on the Tableau this morning

  4. Glad Julian was able to enjoy time with you and arrive home safely. Think you were lucky with your meal. One of our neighbours had a large tree fall in their garden, luckily it missed the house and all the other neighbour's fences.
    My husband volunteers for Natural England on the local nature reserve and had a text last night asking if he could help saw up and move various fallen trees today. Hope the fallen wise man dries off today.

    1. Falling trees are truly terrifying. Hope your man keeps safe [I suspect they enjoy working the chainsaws though πŸ˜‚]

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks A, hope you are surviving the storms in Scotland

    2. Worst of it happened last weekend with wind continuing for a couple of days after but nothing like the South of the country has endured. January gales are usually when we suffer.

  6. Oh gosh what an adventurous weekend that was, and one that will be remembered for years to come. That was a brilliant total for the Craft Fair, well done to everyone. xx

    1. I thought it was brilliant for a little village event!

  7. What a weekend and great total for the craft fair. I’m sure Julian enjoyed being part of the adventure. Catriona

    1. He's great company. and always willing to muck in and help

  8. Pleased to read that Julian had a fabulous family Christmas weekend with you. We had our first one last Friday but ate out and I had a turkey dinner with sprouts. Not too much weather damage here fortunately and today I have spent registering the cat at a new vets, finding and getting an appointment with a dentist and tomorrow an eye test. Xx

    1. Sounds like one of those "little jobs to do before Christmas" lists. I just taxed my car [due 31st December] because I knew it would get forgotten if I didn't do it promptly once the reminder letter arrived. But I have temporarily mislaid my notebook where I write down my todo lists!

  9. What a memorable celebration! It will go down in family history for sure, and I can tell from your description that all was wonderful in spite of the power outages. Keep safe!

  10. That was quite a weekend! Glad the power came back on in time to finish cooking the dinner! Glad that everyone was safe during the storm. Sounds like the Craft Fair was quite a success.


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