Saturday 20 July 2024

Graduation Day

In my youth, most people didn't graduate till their twenties. Here's a sunny day in London back in 2006 when Steph graduated.  But now it seems you can graduate at the ripe old age of four when you leave Nursery and go to Big School. 

In 2020, during Lockdown, Rosie's Nursery had to postpone their Graduation Ceremony. Parents were asked to send in a photograph of their child in a mortar board. Rosie was with me at "Grandma's Nursery" and we made this together from black card

Now it's George's turn. His Nursery produced the outfits, and commemorative keyrings for the parents! George also received an award certificate for "creating the best Lego Models"
Time flies so fast! Steph also received a poem about two special days in a child's life - birth, and the first day of school.

God bless these little ones, and their parents as they face the huge changes ahead...


  1. I find this all very strange. There seems to be so much fuss now about moving classes and schools, I’m sure it aids anxiety in children. I think the transition days are a good idea but all this awarding for being nice or friendly seems odd. I went to 3 primary schools and 2 secondaries, no fuss, no tour beforehand, just told and was sent, end of. I wish we still had the middle school system here, it wasn’t broke, it worked well, but powers that be took that away from us. Rural education looses out once again. Sandra.

    1. When I was teaching in Leicestershire, some primary schools went up to year 5, others to year 6, which was complicated. I think it's not altogether helpful to overdo the "transition event" as some children really feel unnecessary pressure. And yes, rural areas do seem to miss out. Some of the small trad village schools were brilliant... I'm not convinced by large academy trusts. One size does not fit all!

  2. We had a nursery class graduation x2 ( morning and afternoon classes) then a P7 leavers ceremony and Prom. It was parent pressure which drove this forward and thank goodness it hasn’t been my responsibility for the last 17 years now. I notice in my local area it has got seriously out of hand in the last few years and the hiatus for Covid seems to have made it even more extravagant. Catriona

    1. Don't get me started on Prom dresses! I cannot believe the costs... And the further cost of shortening the wretched things. I now have vast quantities of 3" wide strips of tulle and satin in my Stash, having helped friends with their outfits!

  3. So cute and special memories!

  4. Cute picture, love the mortar board. :) We didn't get the graduation stuff at school for the girls, but we did get prom at the end of Primary school, I didn't even get a prom at High school! We had a school disco and I'm pretty sure I went in jeans.

  5. Great graduation photos, Rosie has a lovely smile. We have photos of our youngest granddaughter's graduation from nursery school. It was one of our grandson's last day in year six yesterday and his Dad FaceTime us so we could see his signed shirt.

    1. Why DO they sign their shirts? It seems pointless to me

  6. When our son graduated from grade 8 before high school (age around 14 years), his pal, a tiny little guy, rented a tux with red satin cummerbund! DS wore a dress shirt (no tie) and dress pants, as did many others. Of course the girls were all gussied up!

  7. It didn't happen in my day, nor the days when I was teaching. The Proms do seem a bit extravagant with limousines etc. Fortunately it is only my grandsons who have been through that, so no frilly dresses!

  8. Stretch limos, helicopters...whatever next

  9. I find graduation ceremonies for Nursery a very silly idea!
    Our year 6's had their Disco/Prom on Friday. I could only stay for 10mins as I had a concert. The ones I saw looked lovely but luckily so far hadn't gone as crazy as other years. The parents had gone to town on some of the decorations and food but the kids held a bakesale 2 weeks ago to raise money for it themselves which was a nice idea. I was sad not to attend as my girls had actually asked me to attend! Kezzie x

  10. I like the fact that they are expected to help raise the finance for the event. I'm sure they appreciated that you took time to call in

  11. Both Rosie and George look cute in their graduation pictures! :)


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