Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Dyeing For A Living
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Neither King Arthur, Nor King Cole, But Definitely King Charles [And Some Other Little Stars]

Monday, 3 March 2025
A Significant Milestone
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Sabbath Rest
I am looking forward to a peaceful day, resting and 'recharging' - I hope your Sabbath is blessed too
Saturday, 1 March 2025
March Forward...
We have been extremely busy since Christmas, and will have even more going on through the next couple of months. A weekend in Essex may not seem the height of glamour and luxury - but it will suit us just fine!
Friday, 28 February 2025
Stash Busting
came into our lives. I'd bought some blue wool in a sale, and knitted a jumper for the teddy bear Liz had when she was born, and a jumper for Rosie (9-12 months rather than newborn) The spare blue wool went in my stash
When George was two, in 2022 I used that leftover blue wool and some other random red and black yarns to knit him a robot jumper.
Thursday, 27 February 2025
And Purple Prickles...
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Fuss In Boots
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
A Month Of Sundaes?
Firstly, thank you everyone for the kind birthday wishes for Rosie yesterday, she is definitely making the most of her celebrations. On Saturday we went on a family tenpin bowling trip, followed by lunch. If you have younger children, I can recommend the Bowling House in Norwich. This is the quirkiest bowling alley I have ever visited. A while back, we looked after the girls one evening, while Liz and Jon visited this venue [For cocktails and food, which they enjoyed] There are just five lanes, at BH and all half-length, so it suited the girls. The pop-up seating is recycled from years ago when this building was a cinema. I took three shots of Rosie bowling, and inadvertently got pictures of Jess as the seat folded up on her!
We went on to a Pizza lunch [I pleased to have discovered that I can eat pizza with vegan cheese] and the girls enjoyed desserts. Jess was intrigued by the inverted waffle cone in her ice cream sundae.
Monday, 24 February 2025
Rosie Is Nine!
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Saturday, 22 February 2025
A Funny Thing Happened ...
...On The Way To The Forum

Friday, 21 February 2025
A Busy Day At Home...
- Make Whoopie Pies
- Build circuits with the electricty set
- Make friendship bracelets
- Decorate the new iPad cover
- Make concrete with Grandad
- Design and decorate a tee shirt
- Learn to use Hama beads
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Science Superheroes!
This event has been brilliant, On Monday Bob and I went with Rosie to Norwich School for "Amazing Animals"
Nate from the Braintastic Team challenged us...Could you solve a puzzle quicker than a dolphin? Test your intelligence against the world’s most incredible animals in this fun show from Braintastic! Science. Packed with interactive games and activities, you’ll get the chance to complete real life animal intelligence challenges as you help to solve tricky logic puzzles. From parrots to primates, discover the amazing abilities of our animal cousins and learn more about the diversity of life on Earth.
That was fascinating - and 'the girl in the rainbow jumper' was the first one picked to solve a puzzle, and did it instantly. We were very proud of her.
On Wednesday I took Ro in very early, and we began with "Light Up The City" a workshop about electricity. This time, she was chosen to be the switch in the circuit. I cannot decide if it is her smiling face, glowing red hair, enthusiastic arm waving, or a very distinctive jumper - but she was often the one called upon to answer the questions. After that we had elevenses then spent hours visiting all the stands in the Forum
I loved
- the table of capes and masks provided for the photo-op.
- Hands-on activities [bird masks, key rings, colouring, making paper aeroplanes and more] VR headsets
- Gifts- bags, pens, colouring books, badges
- Ticketed events, in venues across the City Centre - many where the child pays for the ticket- but the accompanying adult has free admission.
- Adults spending time enthusing about their specialisms in a language understandable to children
- Special shout out to UCL, who had come up from London to promote science/STEM subjects. "My parents work at UCL" said Ro, proudly, "and my sister is in the UCL Nursery"
- And RW, the German company currently constructing the Norfolk Offshore Windzone, running their pipeline across the county [and through the edge of our village.] We found Cornerstones on their detailed map - and noted its proximity to the work.
- Rosie absolutely loved her day, and learned a lot. "That's the best explanation of offshore wind turbines I have heard from a child this week" said one scientist.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Why Are There No Aspirins In Romford?**
- and a second riddle, what connects these four pictures?
In truth nobody knows when or how this influx started! But we do know they were first spotted way back in 1855 [here in Norfolk, of all places!]
But they did brighten up my Saturday morning.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
On Monday We Went To Paddington
There's a new guy in the city, sitting in the sunshine outside the Cathedral . Nicky suggested I should go for a photo-op, and so Rosie came with me.
There were a dozen or more people ahead of us in the queue. Some with fancy cameras. Others [like us] with pre-prepared snacks.
But everything moved very smoothly, and we didn't have to wait long
The sun was bright and the sky was so blue,,,[the weather was still a bit chilly] The lady behind us kindly took a photo of us both, I offered her my sandwich in exchange for this. Her little girl declined, but the family behind were pleased to have a photo 'prop' as they'd forgotten to bring a sandwich. Rosie happily ate her sandwich on the way back to the car!Half term is proving great fun thus far, more stories to follow.
Monday, 17 February 2025
Taking Stock
- No 'tinned fat' - but definitely cooking oil
- Plain Biscuits and rusks replaced with sweet biscuits and cheese crackers
- No Bovril [but there is always Nutella for the children]
- No saccharine, but I do have some Stevia for a friend who likes sweetener in her tea
- No jellies or dried eggs
- Peas are in the freezer, and beans in tins
- No pickled or dried eggs- ever!!!!
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Time Out
We are barely 2 weeks from Shrove Tuesday, and the start of Lent. The first Sunday of Lent will be March 9th. Since 2010, most years, I've done some sort of weekly "Pause in Lent" - a tradition started by my friend Floss in France. The idea is to take some time to reflect, either in a specifically Christian way or just in a more general 'spring-time, new-life' manner, on what this season means.
To be honest, I have had no inspiration as yet as to how I will mark Lent this year. But I hope to come up with something in the next few days [I’ve read through many Lent resources, this site is particularly helpful, with list of many plans] I am looking for something that will impact my thoughts and actions, and hopefully have a positive impact on others around me too.
Lent is about taking time out, time out from the usual quotidian activities, time out to "pray, fast, give" as many of the Catholic websites put it
Prayer? yes definitely.
Fasting? I need to think hard on that one, I admit it is not a regular feature of my Christian life
Give? must ponder on giving up or giving away, or both
Are you doing anything special for Lent - does your Church have any Lent activities planned [other than Pancake Parties!]
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Sow, Sow, Quick, Quick, Sow*