Tuesday 3 November 2009

At Last, Some Balloons Going Up!


This week we celebrate the Baptist Women's World Day Of Prayer. I found I had two 'official' BWA balloons left over from the World Congress in 2005  - so I blew them up and hung them in the Church Hall before the Ladies Fellowship meeting. I should probably post the picture the wrong way up so you can see it is two profiles against the Cross.

DSCF0852 [Of course if I had been able to fill them with helium...]

Our theme was "Seeing God's Creation with New Eyes", and the order of service used Psalm 24 to focus our thoughts on the world and our attitude to it.

The four prayer stations reminded us of three 'negative' things which we have caused in our world which mar creation - and God's Grace in Jesus, offering hope and redemption



Refuse, drought, violence - Grace



[the poppies are two of the big red silk ones which will be on display next Sunday]



It was a good meeting, lots of people took part sharing in readings and prayers - and we remembered friends all round the world in our prayers.

I shall try not to do any more UP posts for a bit! I've spoken to both daughters on the phone in the past couple of days, they too have seen the film and greatly enjoyed it. Like me, Liz wept at the sad bit - and Steph displayed real one-UP-manship by saying she and Mark saw it in a Multiplex Cinema in BERLIN! That outclasses even the Leicester Highcross De Lux. Really looking forward to reading her next blogpost, about her recent German citybreak.

Now I have to go and organise a birthday present for Bob!


  1. Please give Bob my warmest birthday wishes. I hope this is an UP year for him!


  2. Happy Birthday to Bob!
    The UP film sounds fun, fun, fun. I'm going to have to see it.


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