Sunday 21 March 2010

Congregations That Care

Church was amazing this morning - especially when my friend came to the front  and spoke about why she was there. She suffered from ME for a number of years, and been really poorly for the last three - in bed all the time, unable to do anything. But Christian friends had prayed for her, and helped her - and now she is well enough to come to church, go shopping, do stuff with her family...and she believes that God has answered prayer, so she is coming to church to find out more about Him [she says if you had asked her a few years ago, she'd have called herself an atheist] And she spoke about the way that knowing the fellowship had cared about her meant so much.

applauseIt was really moving. "Did I do OK?" she asked me afterwards. I pointed out that Bob doesn't usually get applause when he speaks!

I only had two boys in my Sunday School class, but we had fun discussing "Rules For Living" and the 10 Commandments. They both felt that "Do not play loud music to annoy the neighbours" should be in the list somewhere!

Then this afternoon, I drove about twelve miles up the road to preach at another church. I had a great time - a congregation of two dozen or so, meeting in a Primary School [their little Baptist Chapel was condemned about 6 years ago] What a lovely fellowship! I hadn't met them before. Their pastor [loved and greatly missed] moved away a few months back, but these people were in such good heart, and really positive about moving forward with God. They made me so welcome.

But now I am feeling incredibly tired and looking forward to a day off. I will check my giveaway tomorrow.

bearing burdens

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderul witness your friend must have been. Praise the Lord for answered prayers.


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