Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Comfort Me With Apples...

...for I am faint with love.
This verse from the Song of Solomon always amused me when I was much younger. OK, I admit, we did sit in Bible Class giggling about much of that book - I hope I have a more mature attitude now.
But do I think apples are a comfort food at this time of year. For many people, biting into a fresh, juicy, crisp apple is a delight- but I love them cooked, when their flesh becomes sweet and soft and soothing. 
There wasn't much food to bring back from Norfolk, but there were 4 small eating apples which were beginning to look a little withered and tired. I had leftover chunk of marzipan in the fridge - so I grated that into a bowl, with some raisins, a spoonful of demerara sugar and a knob of butter.
Stuffed into the cored apples [I'd cut a slit in the peel round 'the Equator' of each] they baked in the oven alongside the main course to make a delightful pud. 

And a spoonful of cool yogurt was an easy sauce
Then on Monday a friend brought a bag of larger apples from his orchard. This is my one-pint Pyrex ceramic loaf dish - and it makes just enough for three average [or two generous] portions of Eve's Pudding.

I use an incredibly simple recipe.
First peel and chop up enough apples to cover the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle over 1 tsp sugar. Cover the dish and microwave for 3 minutes.
Meanwhile, weigh one egg, and add the same weight of soft marg, sugar and flour [if it is plain add 1 level tsp of baking powder] add 1 tbsp milk. Beat till smooth with an electric hand mixer, and then pour this over the cooked apples. Bake at 180º [fan] for 20 minutes till golden brown. Serve with yogurt, custard, cream or ice cream. Again I was able to cook it in the oven alongside the main course. 
I may make some of this gift of apples into pies for the freezer. Or maybe crumbles. 
What is your favourite apple pudding?


  1. Hmm, you can't beat a good old fashioned homemade apple pie, husband likes his with custard but I prefer thick cream. I do like a spiced apple cake as well, with Greek yogurt.

  2. For me, you can't beat Apple Crumble. Without any extra sultanas/Raisins/Cinnamon. Just delicious!

  3. Apple pie, apple crumble, plain stewed apple with custard......anything appley is comforting in cold days.

  4. I'd never heard of the 'weighing an egg' method.Must try it out. I love stewing apples with a little drop of apple juice or any other type you have to hand, adding cinnamon or mixed spice for extra flavour.Good old apple crumble is always popular and I like to add some crushed digestive biscuits to the top before baking.

  5. I like to slice them and saute them with a little butter, sugar, and cinnamon. It is best when served with ice cream, in my opinion.


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