Friday, 11 August 2023

My Dishy Fella!

The china we use everyday is my wedding present Hornsea Cornrose, and I love it. I've got a few other bits of Hornsea ware, like my three big 'Fleur' canisters, and a smaller 'Brontë' canister, with wooden lid.
I have a Brontë butter dish too, and a matching butter dish

Both were acquired very cheaply from Charity Shops. In hot weather the butter dish is ideal, if the butter gets soft and a bit messy! 
Last week I saw an identical one, £5 in a CS. "We don't need two" I said. And the next day, the lid on my dish at home got broken!. Online it costs upwards of £15 for a new one - and people even sell them without the lid. Bob tried to glue the bits together. [We need Kirsten from the Repair Shop]
Glueing didn't work. He disappeared into the Lathe Palace. 

Look at this! Bob's made a wooden lid, with a clever inner recess which fits neatly over the rim of the dish. Stained in oak to match the canister, and finished with a food grade oil to protect the surface. I think I prefer this to the original! Thanks, Bob. [The wood is a scrap leftover from George's Triangle]

Another triumph for the Make Do And Mend Brigade
Have you done any satisfying repairs recently?


  1. That's an expert repair and looks lovely. As you say the new lid is just as nice , if not better. The lathe palace is well named. I can't claim any clever repairs, thank goodness for my husband who is my repair man. Love Isabel

    1. Let us never take helpful husband's for granted.

  2. What a wonderful replacement lid made by Bob! I can't say I've done any repairs lately, unless it is the quilt I am in the process of repairing. :)

    1. That is a wonderful, ongoing restoration project, and one you should be proud of, Bless 😊

  3. Fabulous job! I think that I prefer the wooden lid, it fits so well. How clever Bob is!

  4. Well done! Plus the new lid matches the one on the round canister. It's like you have a new set!

    1. I think maybe Hornsea should have put a wooden lid on in the first place, to match the canisters

  5. Agreed that the new lid is perfect and an improvement on the previous one. I used a long doll needle to darn the i side heels of my trainers. I had looked online and it was £110 to replace them . I washed them and then darned the heels. Found a pair of new white trainer laces in my stash and the trainers will walk many more miles. Catriona

    1. Oh brilliant. Great mending, Catriona 👍

  6. My wise old Grannie said to me "Try and find a good and kind man" which I am grateful to say I did but she then added "also one who is useful around the home and can repair things" which I also am very grateful for. What a wonderful lid Bob produced from his lathe palace. He is truly "king" of his domain. Regards Sue

  7. How wonderful to have a man about the house that's so handy! (Me too!)
    Great job, Bob!

    1. Yes - I've met your OH, he too is a great bloke!

  8. Susan Z from Across the Pond11 August 2023 at 12:38

    Such a smart solution. Looks stunning. I adore the labels on your canister set. "Oats" "Not Oats" and "Rice" Your sense of humor comes through in the everyday moments of domesticity. Seems like a lovely way to share a life. Bob, the girls and the grands are blessed to have you.

    1. Hi SZ. The "Not Oats" one contains whatever alternative breakfast cereal we are eating (cornflakes, granola, etc) I couldn't label it cereal, because after all, rice and oats are cereal crops too!

  9. Wow what a lovely job your husband has made of that. Can't think of any repairs we've done recently but my OH will always have a go at repairing stuff albeit with mixed results:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We have "mixed results" too with some repairs.

  10. Mine is beautifully making lovely new slats for our outdoor chairs from donated recycled timber. Hopefully to sit out in when our summer comes!

    1. Oh that's a great project - I hope the weather is kind

  11. I can see why you prefer the new lid, it goes with the wooden lid on the canister. Bob is so talented to make a lid which fits, and looks as if it was meant to be there in the first place!

  12. I love it too! Even better than the original. My husband's nickname was " Mr. Fixit" and he'd have enjoyed seeing that. I love all the Hornsea range. JanF

    1. Thanks Jan. Such a shame that the company closed down. The crockery is SO durable. Apart from this lid, I think we have only broken two other pieces in 44 years.

  13. Perfect and made of wood, stain, and love!


  14. Oh well done Bob!!! Clever and very attractive! (The dish!😊)
    CBC and I managed to fix our washing machine late last night as it was making very odd noises, then it wouldn't empty and got an error code! Together, we managed to clean out the filter, removing several coins, shirt stiffeners and rubber bands as well as muck!). Very proud of ourselves!!!

    1. Well done K&C. WARNING-I cleaned out my machines filter the other week and I did not screw it up tightly enough afterwards. The next time I used the machine, it started to flood the floor


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