Tuesday 12 September 2023

Harvest Home, And A Heartbroken Hamster

Things went very well at the Harvest Thanksgiving. Loads of food donated for the Foodbank, and a positive response to the BMS Appeal for Agriculturalists in Uganda

There were tins and packets stacked on every windowsill and the platform. And a couple of jolly scarecrows guarding the food! A far cry from my youth, when there was an egg washed "Sheaf of wheat" harvest loaf, and pyramids of onions, bowls of tomatoes, and dishes of beans and much fresh produce from local gardens. 
I led the service, Pastor Nick did a vegetable related illusion, Bob was operating the PA [which was playing up] And the children did a brilliant job of making their sukkot

Afterwards we had a splendid harvest lunch. Then Bob and I went home and slept as we were rather exhausted. At one point, I was seriously concerned that I would not be able to lead worship and preach. On Friday the left hand side of my face became very painful, swollen and 'drooping' I looked like a very sad Hamster. My smile was quite lopsided. At 8
30pm I rang NHS111, and the clinician who rang back said I was to get to A&E within the hour. And call an ambulance if my symptoms worsened. 

Bob whisked me off to Norwich, then left me as he had other stuff to do at home. Triage Nurse asked some questions, and said I wouldn't be seeing a Dr for at least 4 hours. An hour later they did blood tests. The rest of the night/early morning was mostly sitting waiting. 
First diagnosis after 3 hours was Bell's Palsy ["we'll give you steroids. It usually gets better but not always"] Then they decided it wasn't BP because I could raise both eyebrows. [You may have had a minor stroke, we will do a CT Scan] An hour wait for that, and three hours for results. ["No sign of stroke, but it doesn't always show up. You will have to wait to see someone from stroke team at 8am"] No stroke team turned up. At 9.30 another Dr turned up. He asked more sensible questions and sent me for a head x-ray, [I think it is a dental issue, an Xray will confirm that] I finally got out of the hospital with antibiotics, and an instruction to ring my dentist on Monday. It was 11.30. I ran, waving, towards the bus stop. The driver closed the doors and drove off as I got there! I spent an hour in the hospital coffee shop awaiting the next bus...I got home at 2.
Fortunately I had all my sunday service stuff prepared. Bob was going to supply homemade bread rolls for the lunch - but he ended up buying some in Tesco, he was too tired to knead!
We watched the fantastic Last Night of the Proms, and all those lovely EU flags [and yay! for getting back into the European Horizon research programme] 
I went to bed on Saturday very glad that the Palsy and Stroke diagnoses were wrong.
Sunday was a good day, as I have said.
 Monday I rang my lovely dentist Roshan, who saw me in the early afternoon. It was just a very bad gum infection, and the meds are making a rapid difference. Roshan checked out the Dundee Damage again and was glad that's all healing well. 
I no longer look like a Heartbroken Hamster. My smile is back! Hallelujah


  1. Phew - thank goodness it wasn't any of the nasties and "just" a gum infection.
    Hope you are fully recovered ASAP

    1. Thank you Sue. The meds are working. And yes, grateful it wasn't something worse

  2. What a weekend! You poor things, no wonder you slept on Sunday afternoon. I hope you make a speedy recovery.

  3. Thank God it got sorted and it was not BP or a stroke!! Sorry to hear it was a gum infection though as these can be horrendously painful!
    The harvest celebrations look and sound wonderful! I loved Harvest Festival at school. It seems to have got lost over the years at my school as the person that organised it left. I tried to do something about it but in the absence of a car, was quite hard to get the logistics in place.

    1. Yes Kezzie, you need a car to get all the donations to the Foodbank - it would be a lot of trips with your bike panniers! [I suppose you could always ask someone from the foodbank to come to the assembly, to talk to the children then take the stuff away with them afterwards]

  4. What a nightmare, you must have been so worried. Glad you are better now, try and get some rest.

  5. With your symptoms and being advised by a doctor to get to A&E in the hour I would have guessed what was in their mind. Thankfully that was not the case. I hope the gum infection is resolving itself (It been a bit of a year for dental problems for you!).

    1. Yes, you are right - and I'm certainly getting to know the staff at the dental practice!

  6. I suppose that IF They had sent you home saying it were only a gum infection and it wasn't, then They would be in trouble!! Lesley

  7. That was very frightening. So glad it is on the mend now and wasnt anything more serious.

  8. Oh no wonder you both needed to sleep and good news that you haven't had a stroke or suffered palsy. The harvest photos are great and it looks like the children enjoyed the project. I wish you a speedy recovery, dental problems are a pain literally. Regards Sue H.

    1. Thank you Sue. The children decided to take their sukkot home and put them in their gardens for the bees and insects to visit!

  9. What a worry for you. I am glad it was all sorted out. Continue getting well again. All good wishes.

  10. Blimey, what a fright you must have got. Sorry you were on your own and running for buses at 2am!Glad all ok but maybe a sign to slow down??!!

    1. It was 2 PM when I got off the bus - I'd "pulled an all-nighter" as they say

  11. So pleased that you are on the mend, rest up and take care x
    Alison in Wales x

  12. What an exhausing weekend for you and Bob and shame on the bus driver who drove away!
    Am glad you're okay and that the Sunday celebration went well.


    1. Maybe the bus was already running late...

  13. Oh Angela, what a terrible thing to have to go through! I am certainly glad you are ok and on the med. I know that hospitals work on a completely different timeline than non-hospital folks but it seems like it is a game to see how long they can keep you there. I am glad you didn’t have a stroke although that is what would have come to my mind immediately and that it is a dental issue. That can be fixed!

  14. Sorry you had such a scary ordeal, but it sounds like the NHS were checking all the boxes so as not to miss anything and then that marvellous doctor got it figured out. Too bad you just missed that earlier bus home. The Harvest Festival looks wonderful, including those little shelters. Often such success is preceded by difficulties, I find, and then God triumphs!

  15. That was certainly a night you won't forget in a hurry! How lucky that the buses run so late where you live.
    The Harvest meal looks great, someone went to a lot of trouble with that fresh veg platter, it looks really fancy! JanF

    1. The platter looks stunning (I think my good friend Wendy did it)

  16. My goodness! What a scare you had that night! Glad the hospital did a thorough check to rule out the various possibilities and figured out that it must be something dental-related. Hope the medications take effect soon and you make a complete recovery. I'm glad the Harvest Festival went well, after all that!

  17. You sure had a very rough time at the hospital. Very scary. Though gum problems can be painful, it's a huge relief compared to a stroke or BP! It's sounds like the service went well and a lot of food was collected for the food bank.

    1. The people were so generous and all went to the Foodbank on Monday morning

  18. Hope you’re feeling a bit better now, what a nightmare for you. Glad the Harvest Festival went well.


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