Thursday 13 August 2009

Poole-ing Our Resources!

After our very late night, stargazing, we went off to Fakenham again this morning to look at the market.

Stopped en route to pick some more windfall fruit from the grass verges – Bob suspects we may be becoming “Free-gans”!

On the market there was a wonderful stall selling quite exotic fruit, including smelly durians, a variety of peppers and other things I did not recognise at all.


We had coffee in “The Dancing Goat” bookstore-cum-coffee shop


We called in at the Parish Church ‘books and bric-a-brac’ sale. Nothing much of value – but a lovely embroidered altar frontal.


Jean and Christine are coming to tea – and we were excited to find a Poole Pottery tea set going for a song on the market. So that came home and whilst I made scones and fruit muffins,Bob carefully washed all the pieces of china.


Now everything is tidy and tea is ready for the guests [all food under clingfilm because of those pesky flies]


I shall go and relax and get ready to be hostess!


  1. That altar fall is so lovely, what a lot of work must have gone into it.
    Hope you had a super tea!

  2. I'm sure you're a super hostess. Hope tea went well. Thanks for the pic of the shooting stars. We couldn't see it down here - too cloudy.
    Cal x

  3. Everything looks delightfully inviting, Angela!


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