Tuesday 23 March 2010

Great Scott!!


Our missionary, Scott, is back briefly from Peru, to attend a family wedding. So he came along on Monday night to tell us about the work he is doing. Here he is with Bob, discussing some deep theological issue or other [or possibly debating how things happen at BUGB/BMS HQ in Didcot]

We began with a supper


It was good to have lots of visitors from other local Baptist churches who are also linked with Scott, and also a lovely couple who had driven all the way from Bedford to meet him.

Someone else turned up with a small bag of baby hats and socks her neighbour had knitted - "Is it too late for the Christmas Collection? Can you fit these in your case?"

After the meal, we went upstairs to the Chapel, and by then there were almost 100 of us there.

Contrasting his work as a Pastor in London - with a Leadership Team, equipment, and loads of resources - with his church plant work in Peru, where he has nothing apart from The Word and The Spirit, Scott challenged us to pray for the people there.

Back in January, I mentioned the Cusco floods on the blog [here]

peru floods_

Scott showed us many pictures of the devastation, and the relief work he has been involved with [loads more info here]

At the time, I was ranting that the BBC news was focused on the tourists stranded at Machu Pichu, the Inca site, and ignoring the plight of locals who has lost everything. Scott did more than rant - he complained to the BBC - and now they are sending their Lima correspondent out to interview him next month!! So keep a look out for that - and pray that Scott will have an opportunity to speak well about the tremendous work being done. [I love listening to FOOC** on Radio 4, I think it is an example of professional journalistic writing at its best]


Thanks for coming Scott - it has certainly informed our praying, and we will continue to remember you, Anjanette, Jess and Sam, and the Cafe Church

cafechurch 3

cafechurch 2

cafe church

Now I am off to yet another Lent House Group...

[**From Our Own Correspondent - see website]


  1. That must have been so interesting. What lovely children he has!

  2. So glad the BBC listened...what an exciting opportunity.

    And we need frequent reminders of our 'riches' in our Western churches in comparison to other members of the body of Christ - and be challenged by it.

    (btw, are you attending the B.A. this year?)

  3. So fascinating, Angela - thanks for letting us know what it's like for Scott and his family, and the good news that the BBC is listening!

  4. Hello again, Angela - I've just heard about your letter to the MiniMads! Oh I am so happy... Thanks very much.


Always glad to hear from you - thanks for stopping by!
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