Wednesday 24 November 2010

Top Tips For Christmas – Part 3

This is a really easy idea based on something my friend Pat taught me over twenty years ago. You end up with a cute Santa Napkin Holder for decorating people’s places at the table. Her idea involved fur fabric, pink felt, plastic holly cake decorations and goggle eyes. It looked splendid – and I believe she kept the holders year after year.

Mine are much more cheap and cheerful – and even children can make them [I have taught a group of Connexion friends to do it this week too] Plain red napkins are very cheap in IKEA or the Poundshop!

You need

  • red napkins
  • some cotton wool [pleats or balls – you need to shred it finely]
  • pritt stick
  • scissors
  • crayons [red/pink/green]


Assemble as per instructions below


This shows how you fold the napkin into three and wrap strip round


And here comes Santa Claus!


He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake You better watch out, you better not cry,
You better not pout, I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

Does anyone else find these lyrics a little sinister and frightening to sing to small children?

Every year I hear this song being played, and I do not like it! [I think I’d rather hear Noddy Holder belting out '”It’s Christmas!”]

Here is the Connexion Group proudly displaying their Santas and stars made on Monday evening…



  1. These are fantastic and I will definatly print some out to keep my nephews ocupied. Yesterday I found the snowflake tutorial which I thought was such a simple & effective idea and now I've just spotted them in your photo :)

  2. It's a slightly threatening song. I dont want it sung to me!

  3. I will be doing this with the boys, thank you

  4. snowflake tutorial here

  5. Was just about to ask for a tutorial for the stars, then saw your comment. However when I clicked on it, I can see the post but not the video so am still none the wiser! I'm catching up on your blog as about a week ago something that you wrote got blocked by our school filter and it has only just 'dropped off the bottom' of the posts.

  6. Hi Elizabeth
    I can no longer find link to THAT video clip
    try this one [but ignore awful song!] they make FOUR slits, I only do TWO


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