Monday 27 August 2012



Or to be more accurate OO! Last week, I picked up a bag of ‘OO’ grade flour which had been yellow-stickered. Bob had mentioned he wanted to try some for making pasta. This afternoon, as the weather was awful and we didn’t fancy a Bank Holiday outing, he made some pasta and a splendid sauce to go with it [using some Aberdeen Angus meat balls which had also been reduced]


It was utterly delicious. Bob was not as happy with this batch as with his previous attempt- the eggs in Norfolk were larger so the mixture was more moist and so he was able to roll it thinner. Many Mutterings about pasta machines – but such frivolous expenditure is on hold right now.

Looking out at the grey sky and the rain, I cannot believe that this time last week we were in Northern Ireland eating fish and chips overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

At church yesterday, one of our members said that her cousin telephoned her last week. “Is your Pastor in Northern Ireland right now? I think I have just seen him on the television talking about the art on Giant’s Causeway!” Unfortunately you cannot get the Newsline Programme from 20th August on i-player outside NI. But is is quite exciting to think that Bob was spotted! TV and radio. Chef and art critic. Oooh!


  1. Bob will want his own show soon..actually I could see it...creating meals relevant to Bible stories.
    Jane x

  2. All things to all men....

    I've never seen OO flour here in the States - though I've read about it in my copy of "The Italian Baker". Isn't it a very soft, low protein flour? It would make some fantastic bread too.

    Bob can always add a bit of water to the pasta dough if necessary. (Not the purist approach but it works in a pinch.)

    Homemade pasta is the best! How nice to have such a talented cook for a husband.


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