Look at this wonderful collect from the Book Of Common Prayer
Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
It’s from the second Sunday in Advent – but seems quite appropriate for today, World Book Day. The Bible is the Book, after all
If you are planning to mark Lent in some way, do consider joining Floss and her gang for the ‘Pause In Lent’ [details here]
This blogfest is becoming a real tradition for many of us – and I find it so helpful, thought-provoking and challenging to read the posts each weekend running up to Easter.
Yes. Book Day! And I am so happy about A Pause in Lent, Ang.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible is truly a joy and comfort to me. I read ir regularly and teach it weekly. It is the one place I can go when tough times.come. How good of God to have His words of wisdom written down for us to read whenever we need.