Sunday, 23 March 2014

Pause In Lent #3

A Pause in Lent Floss

The ‘Churches Together’ in our village are doing the same housegroup studies during Lent. We are using the book “Season Of Renewal” from ReSource. We had our first meeting last Sunday evening. The session seemed to go well, and people participated in the discussion. We learned that

lent booklet

Lent is a particular season

Lent is a limited period

Lent is for all

Lent is a gift

Beforehand, I needed to prepare a display representing the four seasons. I used four tea plates and arranged them in a circle. It was a challenge to come up with the right items!

Among the objects I chose were miniature daffs, a doll’s sunhat, cocktail umbrellas, a sample bottle of sun cream [the ‘sand’ is polenta] some silk leaves I bought for 1€ in Brussels, years ago, and some cake decorating bits nestling in ‘magic’ fake snow.lent 2014

As part of the session, we were invited to listen to some music for 10 minutes or so, and perhaps write a prayer or poem about the way in which the seasons are reflected in our spiritual life. This is the poem Bob wrote

I fear the return of arid days

Dry, draining, thirsty days.

I am wary of winter’s death

Frozen, lifeless.

Yet without drought no life springs

Without death no seed grows

Move me from now to next;

Lead me into drought or death

That life and harvest may come.

Renew, refresh and change me

That in renewal, resurrection may be seen

And in dying, hope may be born.

©Bob Almond 2014


  1. Great display and a very thoughtful, helpful poem, Angela and Bob - thank you!

  2. I really like Bob's poem. He's a wordsmith like you!

  3. That is a lovely poem Angela.

  4. Lovely poem, Bob. Lovely displays, Angela.
    Love from Mum

  5. Beautiful Bob!!! He is strong in the Lord and his promise! X

  6. I was thinking about it/him whilst I was in the shower. Crucial missing connective!!!!


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