November is the month for remembering:
centuries, throughout Europe, 11th November has been marked as Martinmas - St
Martin's Day. The story goes that St Martin was a Roman soldier, in Tours,
France, who encountered a beggar on a very dark night, dying of cold in a
snowstorm. He cut his cloak in half with his sword, and gave one half to the
beggar...who turned out to be Jesus. That night he dreamed that he heard Jesus
say "This is Martin, the Roman Soldier who gave me his cloak" He
became a Christian priest, and later when they wanted him to be the Bishop, he
hid among the geese [but they got him out and made him Bishop anyway] He is
credited with helping the viticulture and wine industry in that area of
Consequently on his feast day, throughout much of Europe, people
celebrate with roast goose, and much wine, and 'lantern walks' through the dark
cold night.
Of course, here in Britain, November
11th is Armistice Day- and we wear our poppies [red - or perhaps white 'peace
poppies'] to remember those who gave their lives for their country. It is
desperately sad that even since 1945, men and women have continued to be killed
as they serve in the Armed Forces. Sunday will be "Remembrance
Sunday". Bob always arranges for the BBC coverage of the wreath laying at
the Cenotaph to be on the screen in church, so we can join with the Queen, and
the nation, in this act of remembrance. It will seem strange this year to see
the Queen on the balcony, and not laying her own wreath [but she is 91 after
all - and walking backwards down the steps is a challenge at any age]
And last weekend was 5th November- Bonfire Night. I love fireworks,
and greatly enjoyed watching "The Big Boom" with Liz, Jon and Rosie
on Friday night. A fabulous display, organised by Norwich City Council,
launched from the top of the Castle and visible from vantage points all
round the city. I've always felt it was important to remember and
celebrate that the plan to kill the KIng and the Parliament failed - and that
we still have a Monarchy and a democratically elected Parliament, more than 400
years later. I don't really want to burn effigies of Guido Fawkes or anyone
else. [I found the recent 'Gunpowder' series quite unnecessarily violent, and
reviews suggest it wasn't that accurate anyway]
Those who do not remember the past will not learn from it, so...
- I will remember the importance of caring for those in need
[especially as the winter nights grow dark and cold]
- I will remember that my Saviour called us to be willing to serve -
and he sacrificed himself for us
- I will remember that for all its faults, I live in a country where
suffrage, and freedom to worship, other important things are enshrined in
- I will remember, and be thankful.
I knew Nov. 11 was Poppy Day/Remembrance Day and known as Veterans Day, here, but I didn't know about it being known as Martinmas. I remember Nov. 11 mostly for being my birthday! :)