Wednesday 2 March 2022

Wot, No Pancakes?

Reading Sue's blog yesterday, I fell down a rabbit hole and found myself researching Chads. I already knew that the RC Cathedral in Birmingham is dedicated to Saint Chad, and I knew there was a little cartoon character in WW2 called Chad. 

In the 1930s, a cartoonist called George 'Chat' Chatterton started drawing this little guy to decorate posters at the RAF base where he was stationed. This really took off, and during rationing, he appeared as graffiti all over the place with comments like 'wot no sugar?'

The US forces stationed in the UK adopted him, and added their own strapline 'Kilroy was here' . The little guy even ended up on a war memorial in Wisconsin

After the War, George did cartoon strips for various newspapers, entitled "Mr Chad" and "Chad by Chat" The family still own the original Chad cartoon, signed and dated in 1937.

Saint Chad of Mercia was a different guy altogether. I cannot find any pictures of him peering quizzically over the wall.He was around in the 7th Century. and you can read all about him here
It is a myth that he is the patron saint of disputed elections - made up after the Bush/Gore fiasco in 2000.
However, his feast day is today, March 2nd. and it is claimed to be the best day to plant your broad bean seeds. 

I cannot find any link between this holy man's lifestyle and broad beans though!
Yes, we did have a successful Pancake Party last night, but i haven't got the pictures sorted out yet! 


  1. Hello! My sister used to draw Chad and I thought he was really cool. I used to try as Well! Obviously, Chad has meaning for me! Daily meaning, one might even say!😁

  2. Good to hear my blog post yesterday kept you busy!!

    I thought I had more about St Chad somewhere in a weather saying but can't find it.

    1. The best blogs are the ones that inform, amuse...and send us off to find out more!

  3. Chad always looked so funny! You know that the best day to prune roses is Grand National Day? There are some quirky things in the calendar.

    1. I never knew that about pruning roses!🌹🌹🌹

  4. My dad used to draw Chad all over the place, leaving notes in the cake tin like "wot, no mince pies". I had forgotten all about it until now!

    1. He was definitely a 'thing' with our parents' generation

  5. I didn't know he was called Chad, I've always thought of him as Kilroy thanks to my Dad. But thinking about it he was a young boy during the war and his soon-to-be Uncle was an American GI, so that would explain it.

  6. I well remember the Chad cartoons but I had no idea there was a St. Chad and I enjoyed reading about him in the link. Thank you.


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