Wednesday 21 September 2022

Our Growing Family

Because Liz and family came up to Norfolk for the weekend, we have seen all the grandchildren twice in the past month. They all seem to be growing so fast - in that short interval we have noticed the difference.
  • Jacob is now awake and alert so much more of the time 
  • Jess is standing and getting around the room [eating lots too]
  • George's vocabulary has multiplied enormously
  • Rosie is just so much taller than she was in June
George's curls are growing back quickly following the haircut in August. He's a real cheeky chappie now.
We went to Cromer for a fish and chip lunch on Sunday. It was far too windy to consider going in the sea. As Ro looked across to the huge waves at Cromer pier, she really did remind me of Meryl Streep. If you've seen The French Lieutenant's Woman, you may remember the scene set at Lyme Regis, where MS stands on the windswept Cobb. 

Ro and Sarah - two feisty redheads braving the elements!
I am so grateful to God for all my wonderful family and the privilege of holding my grandchildren.


  1. Your family is definitely growing! It's lovely to see pictures of them all; thank you for sharing them with us. :)

  2. These little ones bring us all so much joy

  3. Gorgeous Grandchildren
    My height chart really does show how quickly they grow!

    1. I must work out where I could put a height chart. It would be good to keep a record

  4. I'm happy that your family brings such joy.

  5. What lovely pictures of your growing family. And your legacy
    Siobhan x

    1. These children give us hope for the future

  6. So different being the mother of daughters. You don't need an invite to visit for starters! One of my daughters-in-law lives five minutes away from her Mum and the other one has just moved her little family to round the corner from her Mum. I have to travel to visit both and never overstay my welcome. I might do a blog post on the very subject one of these fine days. I love all of my grandchildren more than life itself. x

  7. What delightful photos and matching smiles on the faces of Rosie and Bob!
    I'm glad you can enjoy the grands as they grow up.


  8. Jacob certainly looks as if he isn't going to miss a thing now he is just that wee bit older! It is lovely that you have been able to spend time with them all recently.

    1. Retirement has definitely given me more time to spend with family


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