Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Fairytale Of New York, Via Faversham

Thanks for all the kind words yesterday. The cold is getting better. Joshan, my lovely dentist, has fixed the tooth temporarily, so I should be ok over Christmas. He will reassess in three weeks. It has been refilled multiple times, I suspect extraction may be the way forward next year.
The tree in his waiting room was decorated with teeth!

My Manchester friend Rev Catriona, posted the video below on her blog. The Marches may not have the musical brilliance of the Kanneh Masons, or the cuteness of the young Von Trapps - but since lockdown this family from Kent have come up with some clever, contemporary takes on old songs 
Shane McGowan's widow wants Fairytale of New York to be the #1 Christmas single as a tribute to him. I'm a grumpy gran sometimes - maybe if she'd suggested the royalties would all go to charity I'd feel differently, but as I believe she will inherit his estate, doesn't this mean she has a vested interest here?


  1. I do love the Marsh family, thank you!

  2. I like your dentist's choice of tree decorations! I didn't like the song as much as I liked the teeth decorations.

  3. I love the Marsh family! They are so clever.
    I agree with you re Fairytale of New York, especially since I heard Shane McGowan hated the song! He said it was because of Kirsty's tragic death. Maybe his wife could donate the monies to a musicians benevolent fund?
    Hope that your cold is getting better.

  4. I agree with you Ang, if Victoria Mary Clarke (the widow MacGowan) had said all royalties would be going to charity, (for drug rehabilitation perhaps) a lot more people would have felt like sending the song to number one!
    Personally, I love 'Fairytale', and have done since first hearing it in 1987, but will not be purchasing it again as I already have it on several CDs, and it's downloaded to our music system, although for the right charity, I'd have paid out again! X

  5. My dentist has done something similar with their Christmas tree, something slightly unnerving about all those teeth looking at you as you wait, slightly scared, for the delights of the dentist chair to begin........😉
    Alison in Wales x

  6. Our dentist had a tree fill of little tubes of toothpaste which are freebies! Agree about The record-a named charity would have made me buy it. Catriona

    1. What a lovely idea, you have a great dentist! One of the orthodontists where we lived ( in Illinois) used to give a bottle of champagne to the grown up patients who hd their braces removed after teeth straightening. Ours gave me a pack of sugarless gum! JanF

    2. All I got was a free interdental brush!

  7. I had to Google both the Marches and McGowan! I am out of touch! According to Wikipedia, proceeds from the song go to an anti- homeless community in Ireland. I agree with Bless, I like the tree decorations at your dentist (much) better than the song!

    1. I couldn't find the link to a charity, but prepared to be wrong there!

  8. You may be right. Wikipedia says it's a 7-inch release ( I don't know what that means!) Funds go to Dublin Simon Community. A CD? Old style record single? Who knows!

    1. Aha!


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