Saturday, 1 February 2025

To Protect And Serve

The logo of the US Police Academy. In my great kitchen sort, I realised that now I have reduced my Le Creuset Collection significantly, the two remaining casseroles will nest neatly one inside the other [as long as I put the inner lid in upside-down]

But I do not want the base of the inner one to scratch the inside of the large pot. I have some leftover interlining [24cm wide, 7 metres of it!] so I drew round the lid, and stitched three layers together, using my machine to do some fancy stitching round the edge.

I used the built-in alphabet to type LE CREUSET PROTECTOR. That way of it gets left on the worktop, Bob will know what it is, and where it belongs!

Proper Le Creuset Pan protectors are flower shaped and around £18 for a pack of three. I think my circular one is quite adequate [and made from recycled fabric] 

It will protect my Le Creuset pans so I can continue to serve up food in good looking casseroles. And cost me nothing!


  1. Excellent idea and beautifully executed! Another great saving for the planet. Catriona

  2. I think this is absolutely brilliant!!! Bob cannot fail to put it back in the right place, it protects and it looks smart! You could try making some for your craft stall next year. You could write, "Pan protector on some too!"

    1. I've certainly got plenty of the fabric left!

  3. Your protector looks nicer and much more authentic than those splodge thingies.

    1. I like the term Splodge Thingy. I think THEY call them "flowers" 🌼!

  4. I like your pan protectors. :)

  5. You did a lovely job on those. When we buy a wine box and it is empty, I cut out an 8 in circle from the tough plastic liner inside. I have a few which I slip between my Hornsea dinner plates to prevent them scratching as they are stored.
    A much cruder version of your idea but it works.

    1. That's a good idea. My hornsea dinner plates are stacked just as they are, without separation

  6. What a useful item. I gave my Le Creuset casserole away as I couldn't hold it with my arthritic fingers. Xx

  7. Very smart of you to add labelling. Odd items can get lost or even discarded by anyone who doesn't recognize what they are used for.

    1. Labels are essential in kitchens I think!


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