Friday, 21 March 2025

Of FITS And Fitters

Some churches run holiday clubs in the summer holidays and call the FITS - Fun In The Sun. You cannot really call it FITS in Spring - the weather is less predictable. There may be no sun, just April Showers. 
Having declared last year was definitely our last club - the 3- day-programme was just too demanding,  Bob was having a lot of back pain. Sadly nobody felt able to take over this year. So we'll do an Easter Quest. It will include a light lunch, and lots of different crafts and challenges happening at once.  The parents will be asked to stay [thus ensuring there are enough adults to help with glue and Easter Gardens] 
Thank you everyone for your lovely ideas about badges yesterday, so many people mentioned making ones about Kitchen Fitters. It reminded me of a cartoon I came across recently. And thank you to Elizabeth at Small Treasures for sending me this cartoon which made me chuckle
The ceiling is now smooth and plastered, the screed* has been laid on the floor - tiling this morning. Painting the ceiling and fixing the electric sockets are next on this list. [why do we use the same word for 'a long speech' as we do for 'a level floor'?]


  1. Wish you could have hired real kitchen fitters to do all that work. Worry for you two. Glad your downsizing the Easter stuff. x

    1. Thanks for your concern, you are so thoughtful. Thus far it's going OK. And we have got the plasterer and plumber and tiler doing the bits we don't have the skills for!

  2. I like the cartoon about the kitchen coming with an island. :)

    1. It's funny - but mine is too small for that

  3. Besides the crafts and lunch, what other activities are you doing for your Easter Quest? It sounds interesting to me! Always looking for ideas for our own ministry here.

    1. There will be brief plenary sessions beginning and end [including youtube video clips from the Saddleback Bible Stories ], and a 'trail' round the room where they have to find clues and stamp their cards. And a special Easter colouring book. I will email you that, Terri.

    2. Thank you, Angela! Sounds wonderful!

    3. Will email after the weekend!

  4. Fun days are hard work. Roping parents in is the way to go. Sounds like your kitchen is progressing well. You will both need a rest after everything is complete. Regards Sue H

    1. Kitchen looking amazing already - flooring went down at 8 this morning.

  5. You are amazing for doing the Easter Quest.

    Those cartoons made me laugh - especially the counter-fitters!

    1. Yes, that one really made me chuckle. Bob's friend from the Men's Shed has kindly offered to be our counter-fitter

  6. Wonderful and, it's great that you can see progress already! JanF

  7. Just as your kitchen floor went down, our bathroom floor came up! Phone call from the plumber’s wife to remind us they will start at 8am on Monday. Norrie is just giving the walls a second coat of emulsion which bears no resemblance to the shade card but I’m just keeping quiet! It’s a rather nice shade of blue despite being called grey. At least it will go with the seaside themed blind as I didn’t want to buy a new one. Messy Church here insists on the children coming with an adult-lots of grandparents seem to attend. Hope good progress has been made today. Catriona

    1. Bookings are coming in very slowly - I hope they pick up soon...

  8. You must be getting excited as you see the new kitchen taking shape. I love the island cartoon, just too silly for words with all that sand (and the little man that comes with it!)

  9. Thoughts from the middle of the night….when we did our IKEA kitchen we had a lot of pull-out baskets and drawers. My husband followed IKEA’s directions for the first cupboard and found it difficult (spacewise) to get the runners in as they were put in after constructing the cabinet. After the first cabinet he always put the runners on the sides BEFORE constructing the cabinet. He also used a FIXA drill template for drilling all the holes for the door and drawer handles - he said it was worth more than its weight in gold. I had another tip in my mind in the middle of the night but it has flown! If I remember it I’ll let you know.

    1. Thankyou so much for this comment. I notice on some reviews that people have had to work out how to install the drawers. Forewarned is forearmed! The flooring is now laid, and two thirds of the electrical work completed

  10. I remembered the other thing. We used drawers to store pots and pans. You can buy various divider systems to put in the drawers. We used rolls of VARIERA clear plastic liner instead. It has a slight grip to it so everything stays where you put it and it gives you much more control of what you can put in the drawers as you don’t have to fit everything around the dividers. You can also change things around whenever you want with no hassle.

    1. I have been using variera in the old pan drawer, it does stop them sliding around, i agree


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