Tuesday, 25 March 2025


On Sunday, I woke to a message telling me my neighbour had just died. She had been ion hospital a fortnight, and it was not unexpected. In her 90s with multiple health issues, it was a release from pain for her. But I shall miss her so much. She had been housebound for nearly 5 years, and I often popped over in the afternoon to make her a cuppa and stay for a chat. 
Bob and I had a quiet day - church, lunch, then TV [the Grand Prix, then The Residence] and an early night. The Residence is a screwball comedy murder mystery reminiscent of Knives Out **** [lots of clever film references]

On Monday we cleared up all the debris from Saturdays electrical work [Bob and Adrian couldn't do it Saturday as the lighting circuit was switched off and it was starting to get dark when they finished] Another neighbour popped round to see if I was OK, she had noticed I was quite subdued at church [how very kind of her] Then after lunch we popped into Norwich to return library books, get a light fitting, and I got a haircut

Last haircut was 6th November - so this was 20 weeks ago. My new cut looks exactly the same as it did then [picture below]

Just a little bit greyer! Next haircut mid August, if not sooner. Maybe I should not go so long between cuts. I think I am developing a double chin. Maybe I should go longer between cakes!
All this plaster dust has left my skin very dry, I am using lots of handcream and moisturiser.

Cannot decide whether to change my name to Polly Filla or Dusty Springfield. The only one who could ever reach me was the son of a Preacher Man. [Or in my case, son-in-law]

I do miss Only Connect on a Monday Evening!


  1. I like your hair both longer and with its fresh cut. My hair is now short and. Reds cut every 6 weeks to keep the style. This time will be 12 weeks due to my surgery so it will be a bit overgrown. Love a bit of Dusty! Catriona

    1. I do hope your eye recovery going smoothly. I love Dustys voice

  2. I think your greyer hair suits your skin tone. As for the name, well I think Dusty wins it. What a great voice she had.

  3. It's funny how the brain throws up all kinds of weird and wonderful words, snippets, memories, songs in response to a phrase. I'm like Catriona, I like your hair both ways.
    I'm glad you were around for your neighbour when she was housebound.

  4. Sympathies about your neighbour, a good age and now out of pain, God bless her. I like your hair cut, I am due one, it suddenly gets too long. I have a page boy style too. It's quite harsh when our chins start to go south. My friends granddaughter 4 years old asked me what my saggy bit under my chin was and I said "Too many biscuits" and she said "What type Jammy Dodgers? " that made me laugh. Regards Sue H

  5. I'm sorry for the loss of your neighbor, Angela. (((HUGS))). By the way, I like your hair either way too.

    1. Thanks Terri. I have attempted to email you today, I hope I have the right address!

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one missing Only Connect on a Monday night. 🙂

    1. University Challenge will be finished soon too!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour and I hope you will keep the good memories of her in your heart.
    Nice new haircut, Angela.

  8. So sad to lose a good friend.
    I like both looks, longer and short!

  9. Your haircut is a classic.It looks great both short or long. If it were me I would wear it longer in the fall and winter and shorter in the spring and summer. Just my thoughts, Penny

  10. Yes I agree, I was happy to let it get longer, but now we've passed the equinox I like it shorter in the warmer weather 🌞

  11. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your neighbour. Even if she was in her 90s it sounds as if she was someone that you enjoyed being with.
    You hair looks great. I had a haircut at least 2 weeks ago and it turned out very short, as we were chatting while the hairdresser cut it. She did a great job but I realized that I should have had it blunt cut, as it is very fine and layers just disappear what hair there is! So it will need to be grown for a while.

    1. I had known her for 16 years and she was a very kind lady

  12. So sorry to hear about your neighbor's passing. You look good with both longer and shorter hair. Personally, I prefer longer hair and although mine has grown since I lost it during chemo, I doubt if it will ever grow back to the length I used to have. As for double chins, I think mine is a triple, now! :D

    1. I'm glad your hair grew back after chemo, that was a hard time for you 🩷


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