Martha Stewart often shares an organising tip and declares "It’s a good thing”. Well one of the items on my 52 Projects list was “Organise Martha Stewart Magazines”
I started collecting these in 1999, and continued for ten years. I didn’t every issue, and especially after her jailterm, when the monthly magazine was much thinner – fewer articles, and less advertising.
Whilst I liked the crafts and homekeeping tips, I felt that at times she was not always kind in the way she wrote about other people. It doesn’t matter how perfectly you fold the napkins if you are then going to write about the ‘careless guest who broke an ornament’, or belittle someone else’s attempts at decorations [and name them!] Martha, the bottom line is this; people and relationships are more important that impeccable housekeeping.
I had nearly 100 issues of MSL, in file boxes on the shelf in the bedroom. But having purchased her two craft books with a book token, and realising that almost all the recipes are on her website, there wasn’t much point in hanging on to the magazines. I advertised some on eBay, and they are on their way to someone in Gloucester who is trying to complete her set. Some of the remainder are going to another Martha fan up in Yorkshire and I shall probably Freecycle the rest. I am not attempting to make any money – just pass them on to people who will enjoy them. It feels very satisfying to have cleared these out. The books weighed 100lb – which is what I weighed on my 18th birthday. And now they are gone…
The files are empty…
Now I must decide what to do with the Real Simple magazines. Eagle-eyed readers will notice I file these by month not year. It makes sense – in springtime I can pull out and re-read all the ones with seasonal recipes and Easter crafts, and in the winter, find the Christmas stuff. But I suspect that they too will soon face a culling
Dealing with Martha Stewart…it’s a good thing!