Monday, 23 February 2009

Going Bananas for Fairtrade

fairtrade logo Today marks the start of Fairtrade Fortnight - lots more information about this on their website, and also Dulce Domum makes some good points on her blog

If you can, why not join in the great Banana Challenge at the end of the fortnight? Bananas are terribly good for you!

fairtrade bananas

Sainsbury's sells around 1000 bananas a minute and they are ALL fairtrade [if they indigo valleycan do it, why can't all the other supermarkets?]

For some time now, we have made a point of serving Fairtrade Tea and Coffee at church events - and the coffee is excellent. We get it from Indigo Valley, and they supply the ground coffee and very efficient coffee making equipment. I am sure I have mentioned them before.

I find it excruciatingly embarrassing when Christian groups serve tepid instant coffee [from the cash'n'carry budget tin, which was first opened last year sometime] along with some stale crumbly biscuits. What does that say to our visitors? It is so much better to provide a decent hot drink, ethically sourced, which actually tastes good. Jesus made sure his friends had decent stuff to drink [John2:10] so should we!

I heartily recommend IV coffee. [That's Indigo Valley, NOT intra-venous, although there are some Sunday mornings...]


  1. Should somebody tell Bob !!!! Perhaps he can pep up the Sunday Morning service for you, if that's possible.

  2. I think serving good coffee at church (and free trade coffee, at that!) is real hospitality. Don't know why more churches don't practice it!

    I'm sorry to hear your fishnets at church didn't get a response. Shorter skirt next time, maybe?


  3. Andy - it isn't the sermon that sends me to sleep - it's all the dashing around beforehand that leaves me utterly worn out by the time I get to church at 9.45am!
    Frances - there ARE limits!!


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