The day dawned bright and cheerful, so after bacon and eggs cooked on the camping stove [Cornerstones will have a proper cooker soon!] we set off for Wells-Next-The-Sea. Our first stop was at the Station
Bookshop and Pottery. A wonderful treasure trove – full of every kind of book under the sun [and some surprisingly decent theology stuff, said Bob] I bought “Not Buying It” for 50p. I shall review this later when I’ve finished it!
In the field opposite were some llamas. Just like Linda Snell’s in Ambridge.
The one ‘l’ lama, he’s a priest
The two ‘l’ llama, he’s a beast
But I will bet a silk pyjama
There isn’t any three ‘l’ lllama!
It was about 11am. We asked an old gentleman on the bench the quickest way to the beach - “Straight up there” he said.We ambled along gently, enjoying the sun and looking in a few shops en route. There was a boot fair in the pub car park and Bob splashed out 50p on some wire cutters. By the quay was a shop selling crab buckets and lines, spades, postcards, sandcastle flags…and plastic Crusader swords. So I bought one for a quid [Richard the Lionheart is in the school play] Felt very smug with my bargain, till I realised I would have to carry the weapon with me all day! Found a ponytail band in my bag, looped it through the scabbard and hung it from my belt and continued strolling nonchalantly past the holiday makers. I got some odd glances and a few funny comments!
You can walk to the beach – or pay to take the little train.
We walked! It was lovely, and the place was full of families with buggies and buckets-n-spades and kites and picnic blankets and coolboxes. Just how a good Bank Holiday Monday should be.
There are some great beach huts at the edge of the sand
I adore beach huts. My uncle had one at Southend, and as a child I thought it was wonderful that they could go there and make tea right by the beach on their little primus stove, or sit inside to read a book, or close the door and change into their swimming cossies in private [none of that faffing about with Mum trying ineffectually to hold a towel and protect my modesty!]
After sitting for a while and phoning the girls, we walked back. Liz tells me they filmed “Pirates of the Caribbean” here –so if Keira Knightley turns up, I can defend myself with my sword!
Back to the quay and lunch on “The Albatross” – a lovely dutch boat where they serve omelettes and salads and and pancakes and more. The weather had turned a bit windy and chilly, so we had enamel bowls of steaming Dutch Split Pea Soup and Ham Rolls.
Shared a table with a very friendly Norfolk couple and talked about holidays – and their forthcoming Mediterranean cruise.
Back to the car again, passing some other shops – some with excellent names
All this strolling and stuff took ages. It was 3pm when we got back to the car. Old gentleman still on the seat! He said he had been home for his lunch in between times, but we weren’t convinced.
Back to Cornerstones, then a quick trip to Dereham to Argos [lamps, and ladder] Homebase [weedkiller] Carpetland [bedroom carpet] Lidl [random inexpensive foodstuffs] and The Cash Machine [in order to pay the Carpet Fitter on Thursday]
In the late afternoon, we strimmed and mowed and then continued with our relaxing day – reading quietly and eating the fruitcake I made on Saturday!
Tuesday will be a decorating day.
Thank you to good friend Sarah for allowing me WiFi Access to post this blog! We really must get Cornerstones connected.