Monday, 16 August 2010

Slice of Life

My good friend Hannah has emailed me details of a farmer in Surrey who has devised a more efficient scarecrow, using Lady Gaga as his model.

gaga scarcrow

Nigel Britten grows wheat for Hovis, and was concerned about the way the pigeons ate his crops. His fiancĂ©e suggested the idea! The name ‘Hovis’ comes from ‘hominis vis’ meaning ‘strength of man’image




Here is my strong man, with the lovely loaf of brown bread he made last night!

The bread has a honey glazed crust, and good texture and flavour.

[His Lady Gaga is the other side of the camera!!]


  1. Oh you are so fantastic! This eclectic blog of yours brings all the world, and his wife, together with that wholesome Hovis slant that is only yours! Here in Strawberry Land we are thrilled with our tooth fairy purse, and will be communicating proper thanks in due course- ie when Mum has got on top of this long-neglected house somewhat!

  2. I need a man to bake me bread! Send Bob over, would you? We'll take him to baseball games and everything, if he would just inspire the men in this house to get baking!



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