Sunday, 19 June 2016

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

I am still feeling sad for the death of Jo Cox - someone who spent her life working to make the world a better place. I respect and honour her memory. Whether or not we agreed with her point of view, it is important that she made it - clearly and graciously.

This is the week we vote in the EU referendum. [I'm old enough to remember the vote when we joined, back in the 70s] I know how I shall vote, and I will not presume to tell you what to do. 
Last Sunday we sung this old Graham Kendrick song in Church, I found the words both moving, and challenging. 
Who can sound the depths of sorrow 
In the Father heart of God 
For the children we've rejected 
For the lives so deeply scarred? 
And each light that we've extinguished 
Has brought darkness to our land 
Upon our nation, upon our nation 
Have mercy, Lord
We have scorned the truth you gave us 
We have bowed to other lords 
We have sacrificed the children 
On the altars of our gods 
O let truth again shine on us 
Let your holy fear descend 
Upon our nation, upon our nation 
Have mercy, Lord
Who can stand before your anger? 
Who can face your piercing eyes? 
For you love the weak and helpless 
And you hear the victims' cries 
Yes, you are a God of justice 
And your judgement surely comes 
Upon our nation, upon our nation 
Have mercy, Lord
Who will stand against the violence? 
Who will comfort those who mourn? 
In an age of cruel rejection 
Who will build for love a home? 
Come and shake us into action 
Come and melt our hearts of stone 
Upon your people, upon your people 
Have mercy, Lord 
Who can sound the depths of mercy 
In the Father heart of God? 
For there is a Man of sorrows 
Who for sinners shed his blood 
He can heal the wounds of nations 
He can wash the guilty clean 
Because of Jesus, because of Jesus 

Have mercy, Lord
 this week I just pray 
  • that the Lord will have mercy on our nation, and turn hearts back to Him 
  • that men and women will vote for justice, and truth, and righteousness
  • that we will consider the impact of our choice on the weak, the helpless, the rejected, and the victims in our world 
  • that we will not just decide because of how it will affect us personally, but think of others around us, and think of future generations too


  1. I know, I feel so sad about it too. This whole referendum - the tone of it, the things you hear people say has been very sobering.

  2. I can say this, from my great age...but I feel so sad that our nation has changed so much, has seemingly lost the values that we grew up with.

  3. Yes, I feel really sad too. What has happened to compassion and unity?x

  4. I'll be glad when the whole thing is over.
    Which ever side wins, I'm sure we will have to endure plenty of "I told you so's", but it's been a very nasty time, too nasty for me anyway.


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