Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Roobarb And Custard

What fun this was - back in the 70s and now being repeated on Channel 5 'Milkshake' [website here] We both like rhubarb - in crumbles, tarts, fools - or just stewed [but that's just a little dull] and custard is a great accompaniment. Or ice cream, or creme fraiche, or natural yogurt...
I was given a new recipe last week, along with some rhubarb, from my friend Jenny [Deacon's Wife] who got it originally from her friend Heather [another Minister's Wife] And it is delicious. I forgot to ask if this is a cake or a pudding - but Bob and I think it can be either.
Rhubarb Windows
  • 4oz Margarine
  • 7oz Caster Sugar
  • 2 Eggs 
  • 3 tablespoons Milk
  • 8 oz Plain Flour    [or use Self Raising and omit BP]
  • 1 level tsp Baking Powder
  • 1lb Rhubarb
  • Icing Sugar to dredge [optional]
  1. Preheat oven 180ºC, grease shallow oblong tin 13" X 9"
  2. Wash and trim rhubarb, cut to 1" lengths
  3. Cream marg and sugar till light and fluffy
  4. Beat in eggs, add flour and milk to make soft dropping consistency
  5. Spread mixture evenly in tin, level top**
  6. Arrange rhubarb in rows at ½" intervals over mixture***
  7. Bake for 35-40 mins
  8. Remove from oven, sprinkle with sugar, slice and serve.
** I was anxious that there seemed inadequate mixture, but in fact it was fine once cooked.
*** Next time I shall use slightly fewer pieces and leave a little more space between them, to make wider 'window frames'
Here it is before and after cooking - you can see that before, the rhubarb is just sitting on the top - afterwards the sponge has risen well to surround it. Once cooled, I cut out the little windows - many I did as 'single pane' and few I did as 'doubles'

They've been packed carefully and frozen - and I'll thaw them and dredge with sugar before serving. A few crumbled when sliced, so needed to be sampled. They were delicious . 
Thank you Jenny [and Heather]


  1. What a good idea. I'm picking rhubarb in the garden at the moment, so am going to try Windows!

  2. Recipe duly added to my collection.
    Diddly dum, diddly dum, diddly, diddly dum!

  3. This sounds like a great recipe to try with the kids x x

  4. What a great idea! They look like fun to eat as well as delicious!

  5. Forgot to comment when I read it, picked the rhubarb and made it, delish. Yesterday I made it with plum halves, cut side down, Oh Yum.

    1. Ooh I like the idea of doing it with plum halves!

  6. You inspired me in an earlier post to buy seeds for flowers that will attract pollinating insects! And I noticed that the seed packs of that kind were marked with a bee. I think that was smart! I hope they will grow nicely, I not always succed my gardening! And talking about rhubarb, in our neighbours garden there was growing rhubarb close to our garden. He never used them so I could pick them. But I was so disappointed to see that he has cleared up in his garden, and removed them :(

    1. Having a bee on the packet is a brilliant idea!


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